Pub. 6 2024 Directory


©2024 Associated Builders and Contractors of Maine (ABC Maine) | The newsLINK Group, LLC. All rights reserved. The Annual Magazine and Member Directory is published once a year by The newsLINK Group, LLC for ABC Maine and is the official publication for this association. The information contained in this publication is intended to provide general information for review, consideration and education. The contents do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied on as such. If you need legal advice or assistance, it is strongly recommended that you contact an attorney as to your circumstances. The statements and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of ABC Maine, its board of directors, or the publisher. Likewise, the appearance of advertisements within this publication does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any product or service advertised. The Annual Magazine and Member Directory is a collective work, and as such, some articles are submitted by authors who are independent of ABC Maine. While the Annual Magazine and Member Directory encourages a first-print policy, in cases where this is not possible, every effort has been made to comply with any known reprint guidelines or restrictions. Content may not be reproduced or reprinted without prior written permission. For further information, please contact the publisher at (855) 747-4003. 3 2024 Board of Directors 4 President’s Message Balancing Life and Work By Hope Pollard, President, ABC Maine 6 Chairman’s Message Making a Bigger Impact Together By Dan Coffey, Chairman, ABC Maine 8 Incoming Chairman Continuing the Legacy By Larry Grondin, Incoming Chairman, ABC Maine 10 Workforce Development Coordinator’s Message Supporting and Serving Our Members By Shari Johnston, Workforce Development Coordinator, ABC Maine 12 Building a Brighter Future for Maine 14 Mental Health and Suicide Prevention in the Workplace 18 2023 ABC Maine Construction Champions of Safety 20 Legislative Contacts 21 ABC Maine 2024 Annual Sponsors 22 ABC Cares 23 CENT for CTE 24 Past Chairpersons of the Board 26 Inclusion, Diversity & Equity Program 27 Committees 28 Workforce Development & Safety Services 30 Emerging Leaders of Maine 32 Apprenticeship Program 35 Membership Anniversaries 39 Your ABC Membership Can Pay for Itself! 40 Start Saving Today 41 Connect and Solve Your Most Difficult Challenges 42 Member-Driven. Member-Strong. 43 ABC Strategic Partners Your Allies in Success 44 Passion and Purpose, United. 45 Membership Directory contents ABC Maine 2

ABC Maine Chapter 2024 BOARD OF DIRECTORS GLENN ADAMS Sargent Corporation (207) 827-4435 DON AVERY The Sheridan Corporation (207) 453-9311 (207) 431-2417 MIKE BENNETT Cianbro (207) 679-2318 (207) 416-8302 NATE BOUTIN Graybar Electric Company (207) 517-8552 (207) 337-0808 BRUCE CATES Johnson & Jordan Inc. (207) 547-2294 (207) 557-9100 DAN COFFEY Cianbro (207) 679-2108 (207) 416-5017 MITCH J. DEBLOIS DeBlois Electric Inc. (207) 783-6512 (207) 576-6838 JANETTE GILES N.S. Giles Foundations Inc. (207) 942-9445 (207) 852-9815 LARRY GRONDIN R.J. Grondin & Sons (207) 854-1147 (207) 776-2948 MICHELLE IBARGUEN Cross Insurance (207) 518-5840 (207) 841-0585 DAVID V. JEAN Albin, Randall, & Bennett (207) 784-5739 (207) 754-8188 STEVE MORIN DeBlois Electric Inc. (207) 783-6512 (207) 240-2908 STACEY L. MORRISON Ganneston Construction Corp. (207) 621-8505 (207) 841-7799 MASON ROWELL Landry/French Construction (207) 303-3107 (207) 400-9043 ADAM ST. MICHEL Shaw Brothers Construction Inc. (207) 839-2552 (207) 210-9925 HOPE POLLARD President/CEO ABC-Maine Chapter SHARI JOHNSTON Workforce Development Coordinator ABC-Maine Chapter BRENDA EMERSON Chapter Support ABC-Maine Chapter ABC Maine Team 3

President’s Message BALANCING LIFE AND WORK By Hope Pollard, President, ABC Maine This past year has flown by as usual. I often say to my team and our members, “I learn something new every day,” and I do. ABC Maine continues to grow as a strong, contending chapter making huge impacts in Augusta, defending the merit shop in Maine. We are going into our second year of our offices being in a new location; it’s become my home away from home. We get so many positive comments from our members on the great location — we are right on the main drag in Auburn — and our members love it as much as we do! Personally, I spoke at three retirements this past year, saying “See ya around” to three members and their wives, who have been with me since day one at ABC. It’s hard to see them go, and they will be missed. As a longtime resident of Maine, I can truly say that it is the best place to live, work and play. When I am not at the office, I love to be outdoors, whether I am sitting in the woods, hunting, snowmobiling at our mountain camp or relaxing on one of the most beautiful lakes in New England, Flagstaff Lake. Something exciting happened this past year: I was finally drawn for the infamous Maine moose hunt. My husband, Mark, and I had the privilege of harvesting my first moose on day two of the hunt at 6:48 a.m. in the beautiful northern woods of Allagash, Maine. I will never forget the feeling, the experience and the blessing bestowed on my family that morning. How fortunate we are to live and work in such a beautiful state. I look forward to each new day and conquering the challenges — both personally and professionally — that it brings. Thank you for all you do to keep ABC Maine strong. I am always here if you need assistance, have suggestions or just want to catch up. Hope Pollard ABC Maine President ABC Maine 4

GET IT AT GILMAN ELECTRICAL SUPPLY! CLIENT TESTIMONIAL Gilman Electrical Supply provides wholesale electrical products for industrial, commercial, and residential applications. We have 9 locations across the state of Maine and are a part of one of the nation’s largest privately-owned electrical distributors, Consolidated Electrical Distributors, (CED). ABOUT US WHO WE ARE "I have been getting my electrical supplies there for many years. Excellent service, good prices and convenient locations. They are also community minded and generously and happily contributed to the habitat for humanity homes that I wired." DAVID S. From Newport, ME AUBURN 128-B Center St. Auburn, ME 207-784-6906 BANGOR 14 Perry Rd. Bangor, ME 207-947-0721 BRUNSWICK 323 Bath Rd. Brunswick, ME 207-729-4155 ELLSWORTH 25 Eastward Ln. Ellsworth, ME 207-667-6166 MEDWAY 1928 Medway Rd. Medway, ME 207-746-3207 NEWPORT 53 Main St. Newport, ME 207-368-4306 PORTLAND 85 St. James St. Portland, ME 207-761-7788 PRESQUE ISLE 51 North St. Presque Isle, ME 207-760-0800 ROCKLAND 15 Granite St. Rockland, ME 207-593-0445 CARIBOU 408 Main St. Caribou, ME 04736 207-493-3386 FARMINGTON FALLS 1060 Farmington Falls Rd. Farmington Falls, ME (207) 778-4007

It is hard to believe I have already completed my first year as chair of ABC Maine. It has truly been a pleasure working with the ABC Maine team and the many dedicated members who volunteer their time to support and advance the Merit Shop Philosophy throughout our great state. As I reflect on the past year, I would like to give you an update on what we set out to achieve and where we ended up. We said we were going to: • Drive efforts to advocate for our industry and showcase to our youth the abundant career opportunities within the construction industry and our member companies. › I am pleased to report that in 2023, we brought back the ABC Maine Craft Championships and had close to 1,500 students in attendance. Thank you to the 39 member companies that either sponsored or participated in this magnificent event. We could not have pulled it off without you. To those that were unable to participate in 2023, the good news is, you will have another chance to participate at the 2025 Craft Championships. It is truly a rewarding experience to engage with our youth, highlight careers in the construction industry and potentially influence their future and the future talent of our organizations. • Provide workforce development opportunities that will add value to our members. › I am pleased to report we conducted 19 different educational programs over the course of the year. › We had 20 graduates from our Young Professionals program. Share with others why you are an ABC Member and the value it brings to you and your organization, and encourage them to join this great association. Chairman’s Message MAKING A BIGGER IMPACT TOGETHER By Dan Coffey, Chairman, ABC Maine ABC Maine 6

› We now have four ABC Maine Apprenticeship Programs that are registered with the State of Maine in the occupations of: Laborer, Electrician, Carpenter and Painter. If there is another discipline that you need, please reach out and we can work to get other occupations approved to meet your company’s needs. 2024 is shaping up to be a big year in apprenticeships. In fact, we anticipate quadrupling the number of ABC member registered apprentices by year-end. • Promote ABC’s STEP Safety Management System and help member companies improve their ability to send team members home in as good or better condition than when they arrived at work. › In 2023, we had 26% of our contractor members participate in STEP. We fell short of our 30% participation goal, but I am confident we can get there in 2024. We would love to see more members take advantage of STEP. It is a free and effective tool that can help you continuously improve your safety culture. In fact, on a national level, ABC members that utilize STEP are more than six times safer than the industry average. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. • Raise awareness to our members on political issues and legislation that could directly impact the Merit Shop Philosophy and our industry. Facilitate collaborative action when needed to ensure the merit shop voice is heard. › In 2023, our members rallied to ensure the merit shop voice was heard. It was a tough year in Augusta, but we were able to celebrate some wins. Most notably, the defeat of the Responsible Contractor Bill. Additionally, it was a pleasure to participate in the ABC National Legislative Conference, where I joined the ABC Maine team, along with other members, to visit Capitol Hill and meet with our representatives in Congress. This was a wonderful opportunity to advocate for critical policy priorities for the merit shop construction industry at the national and state levels. • Grow our membership to 200 members. › We finished the year out at 180 members strong. We retained over 90% of our members and on a national level, ABC Maine was one of the top 10 chapters regarding member retention. We will need your support in the year ahead. Help us spread the word about ABC. Share with others why you are an ABC Member and the value it brings to you and your organization, and encourage them to join this great association. Let’s hit the 200 mark this year! Personally, I announced that the Good Shepherd Food Bank of Maine was the charity I chose for ABC Cares. As we all know, it is tough out there right now. The cost of living has made it difficult for many families to put food on the table. Thanks to ABC Maine and our generous members, it brings me great pleasure to report that we raised over $9,000 for this vital nonprofit organization. This is a testament to the wonderful people and organizations that make up our membership. I look forward to seeing you at the next ABC Cares cornhole fundraiser on Oct. 22! I eagerly anticipate seeing what we can accomplish in the year ahead. For those of you looking to get more involved with ABC, I would encourage you to reach out to learn about the various committees (Membership, Government Affairs and Environmental Health, Safety & Workforce Development) that are available for you to join. No one is smarter than all of us, and we would love to have you at the table, helping us make an even bigger impact. In closing, I want to recognize Hope and Shari for their efforts in 2023. They were down a staff member and did not skip a beat! I would also like to thank the board of directors for all their efforts and the time they have volunteered towards helping this great association. Additionally, I am happy to report that our co-chair, Larry Grondin of R.J. Grondin & Sons, will be our incoming chair for 2025 and 2026. I have had the opportunity to get to know Larry better over the last couple of years, and we will be truly fortunate to have him leading the way. I look forward to collaborating with you all in making 2024 a great year. Dan Coffey 7

I am honored to be serving as the incoming 2025–2026 chairman of the board! I’d like to thank the outgoing chair Dan Coffey for his leadership over the past two years — he did a great job. Even though I’m fairly new to the board, I have been directly involved with ABC Maine for over 15 years on the Government and Regulatory Affairs Committee and I am currently the committee chair — as the saying goes, “Get into Politics, or Get out of Business.” As I’m sure you know, the 132 Maine Legislature was extremely challenging with lots of bad legislation written, hundreds of ‘concept drafts’ and questionable rule following amongst our leaders. Hopefully this November we can get some pro-merit shop and business-minded legislators into office to thwart some of this bad legislation. ABC Maine will be celebrating our 40th anniversary in 2025! There will be some special events to recognize all the people involved in the decades-long success of this chapter. I’d like to personally thank ALL the previous board members and board chairs, as well as current and previous presidents/CEOs and staff members for their leadership over the past 40 years. And equally as important, I’d like to thank every single member company for supporting this great organization — THANK YOU! One of ABC’s mottos is “The Voice of the Merit Shop.” What does that mean to me? It’s the belief that construction projects should be awarded on merit to the most qualified and responsible low bidders — that’s it. It is the belief in open competition and free enterprise — not carve-outs and special provisions in law. Nationally and locally, ABC fights to protect I look forward to continuing the legacy and efforts put forward by previous leaders of this great association. Incoming Chairman CONTINUING THE LEGACY By Larry Grondin, Incoming Chairman, ABC Maine ABC Maine 8

these principles and beliefs. I’ve seen ABC Maine do it firsthand in Augusta and read about what ABC National does in Washington, D.C. All these efforts are not only led by the ABC board of directors but through various committees and individual efforts. As mentioned earlier, there is a Government and Regulatory Affairs (GRA) Committee. There is also a Member Services, Recruitment and Retention Committee, which is chaired by Mitch DeBlois. And finally, there is an Environmental, Health, Safety and Workforce Development (EHS/WD) Committee chaired by Nate Boutin. If you would like to participate and further support this great association, please reach out to any board or team member — we’d love to have your input. Through the board and these committees, we will support ABC’s mission. The GRA committee is responsible for evaluating proposed legislation and agency regulations to determine what impact they may have on members and the construction industry as a whole — they are your voice at the legislature. The Member Services Committee helps execute ABC Maine’s annual program to promote the Merit Shop Philosophy, build chapter visibility, provide business opportunities for members and attract new members to the association. The (EHS/WD) Committee supports our members as good stewards of the environment, promotes careers in construction while enhancing the image of the industry and delivers rigorous and relevant educational programs supporting our members in their effort to win and put work in place — safely, efficiently and under budget. As we look ahead to 2025 and the 40th anniversary of ABC Maine, I look forward to continuing the legacy and efforts put forward by previous leaders of this great association. Thank you for being a member and supporting this worthwhile organization. I look forward to seeing all of you at an event sometime soon. I hope 2025 will be a safe, healthy and prosperous year for you and your companies.  9

Workforce Development Coordinator’s Message SUPPORTING AND SERVING OUR MEMBERS By Shari Johnston, Workforce Development Coordinator, ABC Maine 2023 offered another exciting year for Workforce Development. We were able to hold winter, spring and fall monthly in-person training offering: Crew Leadership, OSHA 10/30, CPR and Signal & Rigging. We are well on our way to a full schedule this year. If you have specific training that your company would like to have, please reach out to me. I am happy to help in any way I can. Additionally, we continue to visit CTE schools and shine a bright spotlight on the many successful careers our industry has to offer. We have one goal in mind: develop Maine’s workforce and educate that workforce to perform the work safely. As we head into the second half of 2024, advocating for safe workplaces is a priority. We look forward to continuing to support and serve you, our members!  ABC Maine 10

Learn more about the benefits of membership. maine

BUILDING A BRIGHTER ABC Maine is a member-driven organization, which means that our initiatives, programs and services are designed with our members’ direct input and needs in mind. With over 180 member companies, our community is robust and diverse, offering a wealth of knowledge, experience and support. Our board of directors reflects our membership’s diversity, ensuring that all member companies’ voices are heard and considered. This inclusive approach helps us to develop policies and strategies that benefit the entire construction industry in Maine. The principle of Merit Shop Philosophy forms the foundation of ABC Maine. We believe in fair competition and that projects should be awarded based on merit, not labor affiliation. This ensures that the best contractors can succeed regardless of affiliations. The Pillars of ABC Maine Membership ABC Maine is committed to fostering growth, securing success and promoting ethical practices within the construction industry. Our commitment is reflected in three key areas: Developing People Our members are the backbone of the construction industry in Maine. At ABC Maine, we invest in the growth and development of our members through various programs and initiatives. • Training and Education: We offer a range of training programs, from safety and technical training to leadership development courses. We aim to ensure our members have the skills and knowledge to excel in their careers and drive their businesses forward. • Apprenticeship Programs: ABC Maine’s apprenticeship programs provide hands-on training and real-world experience, preparing the next generation of construction professionals. • Networking Opportunities: We facilitate networking events, workshops and seminars that enable our members to connect, share knowledge and collaborate on projects. Winning Work Securing projects and contracts is crucial for the success of our member companies. ABC Maine provides tools, resources and support to help our members win work and grow their businesses. • IndustryAdvocacy: ABC Maine advocates on behalf of our members at the local, state and national levels, ensuring that the interests of the construction industry are represented and protected. • Market Insights: Our market analysis and industry reports give members valuable insights into trends and opportunities in the construction sector. Delivering Safely, Ethically and Profitably Safety, ethics and profitability are at the core of ABC Maine’s mission. We are dedicated to helping our members succeed in ways that benefit their businesses and the wider community. • Safety Programs: We provide comprehensive safety training and resources to help our members maintain safe workplaces and protect their employees. • Ethical Standards: ABC Maine promotes high ethical standards in all business practices, ensuring our members operate with integrity and fairness. • Profitability Support: We help our members improve their bottom lines and achieve long-term success through business development programs and training. ABC Maine 12

FUTURE FOR MAINE The Value of ABC Maine Membership Membership in ABC Maine offers numerous benefits that extend beyond individual companies. You become part of a more significant movement dedicated to excellence, innovation and ethical practices in the construction industry. • Community Impact: Our members contribute to Maine’s economic growth and development, creating jobs and building infrastructure that benefits our communities. • Professional Growth: ABC Maine provides a platform for continuous learning and professional development, ensuring our members stay ahead of industry trends and advancements. • Recognition: Our annual awards and recognition programs celebrate the achievements of our members and highlight their contributions to the industry and the community. In conclusion, ABC Maine is more than an organization; it is a community of professionals committed to excellence in the construction industry. Our annual membership directory is a reflection of the strength, diversity and dedication of our members. By joining ABC Maine, you are not only investing in your success but also contributing to the betterment of the construction industry and the communities we serve. Together, we are building a brighter future for Maine.  SINCE 1966 Concord, NH • Portland, ME • Bennington, VT • West Lebanon, NH 1-800-238-3840 | 13

Nearly one in five adults has experienced some kind of mental health disorder. Research indicates that mental health conditions — such as depression, psychosis, substance use, anxiety, personality-, eating- and trauma-related disorders — can increase the risk of suicide. In fact, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, 90% of people who die by suicide have a diagnosable and potentially treatable mental health condition. Suicide does not discriminate. Anyone can be affected, from teachers and food servers to emergency first responders, air traffic controllers and construction workers. When mental health issues are not dealt with, it affects a wide range of people — from families and friends to co-workers, as well. Many of us have been affected by the epidemic of suicide and have lost friends and loved ones. In 2022, 49,449 people committed suicide, or 5.7 suicides every hour. In 2023, the numbers surpassed 50,000 suicide deaths. Mental health officials say this is the highest rate of suicide that our nation has ever seen — a tragic reality of the world in which we live. According to the CDC, 53.3 construction workers out of 100,000 people commit suicide. These numbers are made even more sobering in stark contrast to the average suicide rate in the Unites States, which is 12.93 individuals per 100,000 people. The suicide rate among construction workers is at least four times greater than the national average. That is heartbreaking. “This is a national tragedy, and we must end these unprecedented, unacceptable and devastating deaths among our colleagues,” said Greg Sizemore, ABC vice president of health, safety, environment and workforce development. “Construction workers work with tools every day, and we must equip these 7.7 million workers with the tools they need to prioritize mental health and protect their emotional wellbeing. They will use them.” Indeed, the idea of skyrocketing numbers of suicide victims within the construction industry came to the attention of the Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA) in 2016. The group, now known as the Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention (CIASP), gathers support from unions, associations, contractors and mental health organizations across the nation. Some of the largest organizations in the construction industry support CIASP’s efforts, including the Associated Builders and Contractors, the National Association of Home Builders and the Associated General Contractors of America. “The risk factors for construction workers aren’t new,” said Michelle Walker, a CIASP board member who also serves as VP of finance and administration at SSC Underground in Phoenix. “A stoic, independent, toughguy mentality may keep workers from seeking help. Others may not offer help because they don’t feel comfortable intervening.” Men are twice as likely to die by suicide as women, and the demographics in the construction industry certainly play a role: over 96% of construction workers are men. Other risk factors might involve chronic pain due to the physicality construction jobs demand, substance abuse and shift work that often disrupts sleep and time away from home. “It is time to shatter the stigma surrounding mental health issues with the goal of creating a zero-suicide industry,” said Sizemore. “Employers can build a resilient workforce by MENTAL HEALTH and SUICIDE PREVENTION IN THE WORKPLACE ABC Maine 14

providing access to resources to improve total human health: physical, mental, emotional, social, intellectual, financial, occupational and spiritual wellness.” As an employer or a coworker, it is essential that you recognize the warning signs of a potential suicide. Those signs include: • Appearing sad or depressed. • Increased tardiness and absenteeism. • Talking about feeling trapped. • Expressing a desire to die. • Decreased productivity at work. • Isolating from others at work. • Extreme mood swings. • Increased use of drugs or alcohol. • Decreased self-confidence. • Feeling hopeless and helpless. • Sleeping too much or too little. • Acting anxious, agitated or reckless. • Neglect of appearance or hygiene. • Withdrawing from family and friends. • A feeling of being a burden to others. • Decreased problem-solving ability. This begs the question: Have you empowered your employees to take action to help address mental health and prevent the tragedy of suicide? The CIASP developed a Suicide Prevention Integration Checklist to assist construction companies in building their mental health promotion and suicide prevention in the workplace. This checklist was designed for company leaders to evaluate who will be responsible for its implementation. Since every company operates differently and has unique needs and resources, some parts of the list might not apply in all situations. The Integration Checklist is broken down into five parts: 1. Corporate attention to and consideration of mental health. 2. Resources in place for employees dealing with mental health issues. 3. Readiness within the company to deal with suicidal employees. 4. Building protective factors. 5. Crisis response. To download the Mental Health & Suicide Prevention for Construction Companies, please scan the QR code. NAHB/advocacy/docs/legal-issues/ construction-liability/trendingnow/suicide-prevention-analysisintegration-checklist.pdf This checklist should not be considered a “one-and-done” portion of a company’s processes and procedures. It should be a fluid, ever-present, update-when-necessary segment that is reviewed, studied and trained frequently. Take action to determine who might be in need. All managers, supervisors and even line employees must be aware of the company’s commitment to addressing risk factors and preventing suicide. CIASP wants to encourage construction industry employers to do whatever it takes to prevent possible suicides. Making suicide part of the company conversation allows people to get comfortable with the topic and be more likely to speak up if help is needed. CIASP asks that everyone STAND up to prevent suicide in the construction industry: Safe: Create a culture in which team members feel safe to ask for help or speak up if concerned about their fellow co-workers. Training: Make suicide prevention training available to all team members so they can recognize the warning signs and be equipped to help those at risk. Awareness: Raise awareness by sharing the message of suicide prevention through organizational activities such as training, safety meetings, toolbox talks, team meetings, newsletters and social media posts. Normalizing: Normalize the topic of suicide prevention as a health and safety priority by talking about suicide, suicide prevention and mental health. Decreasing: Help decrease the risk of suicide in construction by ensuring all team members have access to an awareness of CIASP’s action plans, behavioral health benefits, screening tools, community crisis support, the suicide prevention lifeline and crisis text line. CIASP is not the only organization concerned with suicide prevention in the workplace. ABC National has developed a program to empower employers to help their employees. As stated on, “ABC members care about their employees. Not only do they want to send them home safe at the end of the shift, but they also want them to live a healthy lifestyle and enjoy the abundance life has to offer through their careers and beyond.” 15

To help employers establish guidelines to create a healthy workplace, ABC has provided a toolkit for leaders to review and start making healthy changes. Scan the QR code to download the toolkit. Total%20Human%20Health/Total%20 Human%20Health%20Initiative%20 Toolkit%20FINAL%2005082024. pdf?ver=Q6XeEZvXxOZxrudau2imWQ%3d%3d There are also assessment tools that management teams can fill out to determine areas where improvement is needed. Scan the QR code to download the assessment tools. Portals/10/Documents/ABC%20Total%20 Human%20Health%20Assessment-FINAL_ UPDATED_LOGO.pdf?ver=2021-10-20-133454710&timestamp=1634751497771 Scan the QR code to download free informational posters for use in the workplace. posters Help is within reach: • Visit • National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. › Call or text 988. › Visit • Crisis Text Line. › Text HOME to 741741. › Visit • Visit for a free and confidential mental health screening. The Total Human Health Initiative encompasses multiple dimensions of health and is organized into four simple and easy-to-remember categories: Body, Heart, Mind and Soul. Total Human Health is focused on building a resilient workforce connected through relationships and engaged in performing construction work to a high standard of safety, quality and effectiveness. The workforce is our most important resource, with individuals who are highly skilled and ready to build the places where America lives, learns, works, heals, plays and prays. We cannot achieve anything without our workforce. The driving imperative behind Total Human Health in our labor-intensive industry is twofold: 1. Address the changing demographics of the workforce and the workforce shortage in the skilled trades. 2. Work to reduce the high suicide rate among construction workers. Employers should incorporate mental health protections to prevent suicide in the workplace. Perhaps the easiest way to communicate the earnestness with which your company addresses suicide prevention is to make sure they see that you do. You can easily do this with posters strategically placed in breakrooms, kitchens, restrooms, hallways and other communal spaces. The message does not have to be grand in nature nor elaborate in design; simply post something like the graphic at the bottom of the page. Something else to consider is suicide postvention. Postvention is described as the provision of crisis intervention and other support after a suicide has occurred to address and alleviate possible effects of suicide. The impact of traumatic events often leads people to react impulsively in ways that might cause further damage. It is vital to stabilize your workforce as soon as possible to facilitate a return to what will undoubtedly be a “new normal.” While suicides do not usually happen at work, this does not mean they cannot or that the construction industry is not suffering substantially. Implementing any — or all — of the suggestions outlined in this article can go a long way to making your business and the construction industry more prepared to prevent, or in the event of, a tragedy. 

HELPING BUSINESSES FIND THE “YES ! ” THEY NEED. There has never been a more important time for Mainers to help each other move forward than right now. Especially when it comes to helping businesses that are the backbone of our economy.

2023 ABC MAINE Construction Champions of Safety DIAMOND CIANBRO Gorham Sand & Gravel L&B Electrical United Rentals PLATINUM Langford & Low • N.S. Giles Foundations • Zachau Construction R.J. Grondin & Sons • Turner Construction • EnviroVantage Inc. GOLD IRC • Shaw Brothers Construction • Bowman Constructors SILVER Great Falls Construction • The Sheridan Corp. • Landry/French Construction Storey Bros. • Electrical Solutions LLC • Methuen Construction BRONZE ABM Mechanical • DeBlois Electric • Johnson & Jordan • Metro Walls • Ranor Mechanical Graybar Electric • Sargent Corporation • Ganneston Construction • Hebert Construction • Hahnel Bros. Co. MAKE SAFETY A PART OF YOUR COMPANY’S DNA.

Bonds...just Bonds! 46 Wright’s Landing Road, P. O. Box 1090, Auburn, ME 04211 Office Tel: (207) 753-7300 19

Legislative Contacts Gov. Janet Mills 1 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333 (207) 287-3531 Maine Senators U.S. Sen. Susan Collins Augusta (207) 622-8414 Portland (207) 780-3575 Washington (202) 224-2523 U.S. Sen. Angus King Washington (202) 224-5344 U.S. Representatives U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree Portland (207) 774-5019 Portland Toll Free (888) 862-6500 Waterville (207) 873-5713 Waterville Toll Free (888) 862-6500 Washington (202) 225-6116 U.S. Rep. Jared Golden Bangor (207) 249-7400 Caribou (207) 492-6009 Lewiston (207) 241-6767 Washington (202) 225-6306 Maine Leadership Speaker of the House Honorable Rachel Talbot Ross Rm. 303, State House 2 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333 (207) 287-1300 Maine House Republican Rm. 332, State House 2 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333 (207) 287-1440 Senate President Troy Jackson 3 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333 (207) 287-1515 Maine Senate Republicans 3 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333 (207) 287-1505 ABC Maine 20

ABC Maine 2024 Annual Sponsors PREMIER SPONSORS GOLD SPONSORS WESTPORT Lincoln Lofts | Biddeford, ME New England’s Leading Wall & Ceiling Contractor > COMMERCIAL FRAMING > DRYWALL > ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS METROWALLS.NET NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW YORK MAINE MASSACHUSETTS MANCHESTER ELMSFORD PORTLAND 603.668.2648 2022 ABC NH/VT Excellence in Construction Award Recipient 1-800-564-0111 | Augusta | Bangor | Ellsworth | Portland 21

ABC Maine Cares 2023 initiative supported the Good Shepherd Food Bank of Maine. This local organization helps many people across Maine access the food they need to thrive both today and in the future. Our hope in supporting this cause is to ensure that people experiencing hunger have enough food next week, next month and in the years to come. We are happy to announce that we met our initiative through our Fall Cornhole Fundraiser Tournament! Thank you to our members for their participation and sponsorship support! ABC Maine 22

CENT for CTE Supporting Maine’s CTE Programs Participating ABC member firms commit to pay .01 cent per work hour in support of scholarships and books for construction programming in Maine’s Career and Technical Education schools. Participating member firms will track their work hours (must be tracked for workers compensation reporting anyway). Work hours can be tracked and paid on a quarterly basis. Member firms simply email the total work hours to ABC and ABC will create the invoice. Here are some examples based on the number of employees a member company has: Member company has 10 employees × 2,000 hours per year = 20,000 work hours per year times .01 cents per hour = $200.00 Member company has 25 employees × 2,000 hours per year = 50,000 work hours per year times .01 cents per hour = $500.00 Member company has 50 employees × 2,000 hours per year = 100,000 work hours per year times .01 cents per hour = $1,000.00 Participating Associate and Supplier Members Annual Donations available for: $250.00 $500.00 $750.00 Other For more information contact Shari Johnston at The Cent for CTE funds are available for the following requests: • Reimbursements to educational facilities for books and/or Instructor development. • Grants that follow ABC requirements to educational facilities, individuals and other Committees we partner with. • Scholarships to individuals who are eligible under the ABC scholarship process. • Any construction program falling under the strategic goals and requirements of the ABC Maine Chapter. Notes about the program: • Simple to participate. • Based on the honor system for reporting hours worked. • Helps support Career and Technical Education schools with books for programs. • One penny per hour worked can help shape tomorrow’s workforce.

Past Chairpersons of the Board 1985-1986 TOM BROCHU Lewiston Concrete 2002-2004 ALAN BURTON Cianbro Corp. 1988-1989 DAVID NURSE Sheridan Corporation 2006-2007 BOB GRONDIN, III R.J. Grondin & Sons 1991-1992 DALE AKELEY The Sheridan Corporation 2009-2010 DAVID JEAN Albin, Randall and Bennett 1994-1995 BRUCE ADAMS Lewiston Bottled Gas and Propane 2012-2013 ALAN BURTON Cianbro Corp. 1998-1999 BILL HUNTER Hahnel Bros. 2018-2019 MIKE BENNETT Cianbro Corp. 1986-1987 TED WALKER Ted Walker Inc. Mechanical Contractors 2004-2005 BRUCE HILFRANK Zachau Construction 1987-1988 PHIL LaCLAIRE E.C. Jordan and Co. 2005-2006 BRAD MOLL Newman Concrete 1989-1990 DAN HEBERT Hebert Construction 2007-2008 STACEY MORRISON Ganneston Construction Corp. 1990-1991 NORM ST. PIERRE Ranor Mechanical 2008-2009 MIKE BENNETT Cianbro Corp. 1992-1993 JOHN HUGHES The Rowley Agency 2010-2011 DOUG NEWMAN Newman Concrete 1993-1994 BILL HUNTER Hahnel Bros. 2011-2012 GARY LAPIERRE The Rowley Agency 1995-1997 RON HAMLIN Brown Construction 2014-2015 JAMES MCBRADY James A. McBrady Inc. 1997-1998 CHUCK STONE The Sheridan Corporation 2016-2017 BRAD STOUT Coutts Bros. Inc. 1999-2001 JIM LAMSON L & B Electrical Contractors 2018-2020 TAWNYA BROWN Concentra 2001-2002 GERRY MASKALENKO Brown Construction 2020-2022 MITCH DeBLOIS DeBlois Electric Inc.

For all your countertops, tile and flooring needs, visit Blue Rock in Westbrook, Maine.

At Associated Builders and Contractors, we believe that career opportunities in this nation should be created and made available to all people. We believe in creating — and championing — conditions where individuals and organizations are limited only by their own potential and desire. This is the driving force behind the Merit Shop Philosophy and ABC’s inclusion, diversity and equity (IDE) initiatives. With the founding principles of free enterprise and open competition as their foundation, ABC’s IDE initiatives are focused on bettering the individual, the industry and the nation. ABC values inclusion, diversity and equity as an empowering competitive advantage. #ABCMERITSHOPPROUD Inclusion A feeling of belonging. To value differences to achieve superior results. All are welcome, valued and included. Diversity An appreciation of a variety of abilities, skills and experiences. To actively seek stakeholders from diverse cultural backgrounds to achieve superior results. Giving all individuals and organizations the opportunity to compete in a fair and open marketplace. Equity A dedication to providing opportunities for all. Creating the conditions for everyone to compete on a fair and level playing field. Every individual has the opportunity to succeed. How We Define Inclusion, Diversity and Equity: Inclusion, Diversity & Equity Program ABC Maine 26

Being part of an ABC committee is a great way to develop new skills, forge relationships with fellow members and help shape the Chapter’s activities. Committees Government and Regulatory Affairs Committee ABC’s Government and Regulatory Affairs Committee is responsible for evaluating proposed legislation and agency regulations to determine what impact they may have on members and the construction industry as a whole. The committee works to educate members about new laws and regulations to ensure ABC members are consistently in compliance. Members of ABC’s Government and Regulatory Affairs Committee act as ABC’s voice at the Legislature to ensure that ABC is recognized as the leading resource for construction workplace issues. To learn more about becoming a committee member, contact Hope at EHS and Workforce Development Committee ABC’s Environmental Health, Safety and Workforce Development Committee will promote and advocate for a safe and healthy workplace where everyone goes home with their health to their loved ones, support our members as good stewards of the environment, promote careers in construction while enhancing the industry’s image, deliver rigorous and relevant educational programs supporting our members in their effort to win and put work in place safely, efficiently and under budget and foster and maintain meaningful relationships with industry and educational partners. Member Services, Recruitment and Retention Committee This committee provides insight and recommendations on timely industry issues for presentations at ABC’s membership meetings and events and plans. It helps execute the Chapter’s annual program to promote the Merit Shop Philosophy, build chapter visibility, provide business opportunities for members and attract new members to the association. It also brainstorms new ideas and concepts for meetings and events to ensure ABC’s schedule is always improving to meet its members’ needs.

Workforce Development & Safety Services For more safety topics, online and blended educational options, contact The following safety and educational services are available: • On-Site Safety Training • Mental Health ABC Maine 28

C Crane & Rigging Services • Millwright Machinery Moving • Trucking • Warehousing Cranes up to 300 Ton Capacity • Tip Height 361’ DEDICATED TO EXCELLENCE! • 800-696-6282 2980 Hotel Road, Auburn, Maine 04210 The Cote Corporation Crane & Rigging Services • Millwright Machinery Moving • Trucking • Warehousing Cranes up to 300 Ton Capacity • Tip Height 361’ DEDICATED TO EXCELLENCE! • 800-696-6282 2980 Hotel Road, Auburn, Maine 04210 The Cote Corporation DEDICATED TO EXCELLENCE! • 800-696-6282 2980 Hotel Road, Auburn, ME 04210 • Crane & Rigging Services • Trucking • Millwright • Machinery Moving • Warehousing • Cranes up to 300 Ton Capacity • Tip Height 361’ 29

Associated Builders and Contractors, Maine Chapter (ABC) Young Professionals program aims to shape the future of our industry by supporting the growth of young professionals employed by ABC member companies. The program creates opportunities for future leaders to build relationships, expand their skills and advance their careers while continuing to promote open competition and the Merit Shop Philosophy! REQUIREMENTS: • Nominee must be employed by a member in good standing with ABC Maine. • Nominee must be able to obtain the employer’s full support, showing a commitment to giving the personal and financial resources necessary for completing this program. • Nominee must have at least 2 years’ experience specific to the construction industry (experience is subject to administrator’s discretion). HAPPENINGS: • Volunteer as a group. • Attend trainings to grow personally, professionally and as a leader. • Attend ABC events to develop your professional network. • And more! BENEFITS: • Build your network in your industry. • Opportunities to attend ABC National conferences and events. • Meet leaders in the industry on a personal level. • And more! Requirements: Nominee must be employed by a member in good standing of ABC Maine Nominee must be able to obtain the employer’s full support, showing a commitment to giving the personal and financial resources necessary for completing this program. Nominee must have at least two (2) years’ experience specific to the construction industry (experience is subject to Administrator’s discretion). Benefits: • Build your network in your industry • Opportunities to attend ABC National Conferences and Events • Meet LEADERS in the industry on a personal level • Grow more familiar with legislators and their messages • AND MUCH MORE! Happening • Volunteer as • Attend trainin grow person professionall as a leader • Attend ABC e to develop yo professional • AND MORE! Emerging Leaders of Maine Associated Builders and Contractor program aims to shape the future of young professionals employed by AB opportunities for future leaders to bu advance their careers while continui merit shop philosophy! Emerging Le Requirements: • Nominee must be employed by a member in good standing of ABC Maine • Nominee must be able to obtain the employer’s full support, showing a commitment to giving the personal and financial resources necessary for completing this program. • Nominee must have at least two (2) years’ experience specific to the construction industry Benefits: • Build your network in your industry • Opportunities to atten ABC National Confere and Events • Meet LEADERS in the industry on a persona level • Grow more familiar w legislators and their messages • AND MUCH MORE! r (ABC) Young Professionals supporting the growth of mpanies. The program creates s, expand their skills and pen competition and the nings: eer as a group trainings to ersonally, ionally and der ABC events lop your ional network ORE! More Information: Need more information on the Young Professionals Program or have questions? Please contact Shari Johnston, Workforce Development Coordinator, at or call 207-560-7573. MORE INFORMATION: Need more information on the Young Professionals Program or have questions? Please contact Shari Johnston, Workforce Development Coordinator, at or call (207) 560-7573. “ABC’s Young Professionals Program was instrumental in my development within the construction industry. The classes are purpose built to provide usable knowledge and to push you out of your comfort zone, promoting individual growth. You will also meet many great Young Professionals that you will continually work with throughout your career.” — Cody Dube, Langford & Low

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Apprenticeship Program A SMART BUSINESS INVESTMENT Apprenticeship is an “Earn While You Learn” model, involving on the job training and related classroom training. Company Benefits • Company loyalty • Build a continuous pipeline of skilled workers • Strengthen your employer brand • Enhanced productivity Programs • Building Construction Craft Laborer — 2,000 Hour Program • Carpenter-Framing and Finishing Level 1 — 4,000 Hour Program • Electrical — 8,000 Hour Program OJT and Related Training • Apprentices receive on-the-job experience under the supervision of their journey tech and foreperson. Annual Apprenticeship Fee Schedule • $90.00/month per apprentice • MAP offers reimbursement to sponsors who cover the cost of Related Technical Instruction for each apprentice in the program. For more information, contact Shari Johnston at What is Apprenticeship? Apprenticeship is an industry-driven, high-quality career pathway where employers can develop and prepare their future workforce, and individuals can obtain paid work experience, classroom instruction, and a nationally recognized, portable credential. | Call Today | 207-865-4412 Building on Your ideas. Quality. Safety. Craftsmanship. — Design Build — Pre-Construction — Construction Management — New Construction — Renovations & Fit-Ups — Historic/Fire Renovation Mike Varney and Andrew Howard l 207-833-8229 l Strong Values, Strong Relationships, Strong Programs. STRONG VALUES | STRONG RELATIONSHIPS | STRONG PROGRAMS. Mike Varney, Andrew Howard and Steve Coward | | 207-833-8229 | 33

414 Main Street | Caribou, Maine 04736 Phone: (207)496-1671 • Fax: (207)498-8810 • Email: • Commercial • Industrial • Residential Electrical • Horizontal Directional Drilling • High Voltage/Power Line Construction • Telecommunications & Cabling • Heat Pumps • Efficiency Maine Partner We take pride in our PEOPLE & PROJECTS across The Cianbro Companies. Learn more at ABC Maine 34

JANUARY Years Hahnel Bros. Co. 41 W.D. Matthews Machinery Company 35 E.J. Prescott 22 AAA Energy Service Co. 20 Gorham Sand & Gravel Inc. 18 Pape Chevrolet Inc. 18 Eaton Peabody 17 Comprehensive Land Technologies Inc. 15 Warren Mechanical 14 S.W. Cole Engineering Inc. 12 Hancock Lumber 8 Langford & Low 7 Graybar Electric Co. Inc. 6 Sunbelt Rentals 5 Turner Construction Co. 3 M.W. Hoss Construction 3 Terrasmart 1 FEBRUARY Years Eastern Fire 48 CIANBRO 26 Ranor Mechanical 25 Berkley Surety 18 Troiano Waste 13 Black Bear Ladder Inc. 9 High Tech Fire Protection 8 R.L. Todd & Son Electrical Inc. 6 Milwaukee Tool Company 3 Phoenix Welding 3 OMC Wellness 2 Dew Construction 1 Membership Anniversaries 35