Pub. 6 2024 Directory

It is hard to believe I have already completed my first year as chair of ABC Maine. It has truly been a pleasure working with the ABC Maine team and the many dedicated members who volunteer their time to support and advance the Merit Shop Philosophy throughout our great state. As I reflect on the past year, I would like to give you an update on what we set out to achieve and where we ended up. We said we were going to: • Drive efforts to advocate for our industry and showcase to our youth the abundant career opportunities within the construction industry and our member companies. › I am pleased to report that in 2023, we brought back the ABC Maine Craft Championships and had close to 1,500 students in attendance. Thank you to the 39 member companies that either sponsored or participated in this magnificent event. We could not have pulled it off without you. To those that were unable to participate in 2023, the good news is, you will have another chance to participate at the 2025 Craft Championships. It is truly a rewarding experience to engage with our youth, highlight careers in the construction industry and potentially influence their future and the future talent of our organizations. • Provide workforce development opportunities that will add value to our members. › I am pleased to report we conducted 19 different educational programs over the course of the year. › We had 20 graduates from our Young Professionals program. Share with others why you are an ABC Member and the value it brings to you and your organization, and encourage them to join this great association. Chairman’s Message MAKING A BIGGER IMPACT TOGETHER By Dan Coffey, Chairman, ABC Maine ABC Maine 6