Pub. 1 2024 Directory

GETTING TO KNOW Carl Tippets is the president and CEO of Pentalon Construction Inc. He founded and built the company from the ground up and takes pride in the fact that his company has played a role in building better communities through many thoughtful, unique and quality projects. The Hyve Apartments, located in Salt Lake City, is one such project. This multifamily unit offers residents an inspiring place to live and won ABC Utah’s 2023 Champion of the Year award, which is featured on the cover of this directory. Prior to Pentalon, Carl gained a comprehensive range of industry experience as a builder, contractor, project superintendent and manager. He maintains General Contractor Licenses in Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington and Wyoming. We recently sat down with Carl and talked to him about his life, the industry and what membership in ABC Utah means to him. The following are excerpts of our conversation. We hope you enjoy getting to know him as much as we did! When and why did you decide to go into the construction industry? Working in the construction industry was a default decision — it’s the way I put myself through college while supporting my family financially. In hindsight, it was a great default decision that I’ve really enjoyed. If I had to go back, I would pick this path again. What prompted you to start Pentalon Construction in 1992? I was working for a developer as a builder. The developer was winding down their development side, so I decided to go out on my own as a thirdparty builder. That was probably one of the better decisions I’ve made. Where did the name of the company come from? When I went out on my own, my previous employers asked if they could be my partners. There were five of us, and we decided that Pentalon was a fit. Pentalon is Latin for five turkeys — you can’t take yourself too seriously, and the name fits us well. Your company has been creating and building for 40+ years; what do you think is the number one thing that has contributed to your company’s longevity? Good people. Being able to surround myself with quality people is the key to success. We have been fortunate at Pentalon because we created a culture that attracts people that you want to be associated with. Additionally, I think people perpetuate that culture and then attract more quality people. I have multiple people who have been with the company for over 20 years and 18 people who have been here for over 10 years, so we’ve got longevity in our favor as well. When did you join ABC Utah, and what are the benefits of membership? I joined ABC Utah in 1997. I remember feeling that I needed to get involved Carl Tippets of Pentalon Construction 15