Pub. 1 2024 Directory

and be involved in the industry as a whole. You can be involved in a company and be isolated by only being involved in that company — I think that’s almost at the point of being self-centered. Or you can be involved in an industry — that is a much bigger picture. Being a part of the bigger picture allows you to exert some control externally. Usually, we focus just on the internal controls we have in a company, but being part of an association, you can put some influence on the external controls. That’s a big factor in success. The ABC saying “Get into government or get out of business” applies to this — if you’re not speaking up, you’re not a part of the solution. I’m a firm believer in getting to know your neighborhood. And when you talk about the longevity of a company, it’s getting involved in the construction neighborhood. Being in an association allows you to get to know your neighbors. Through my membership in ABC Utah, I’ve been able to become acquainted with a lot of our competitors, whom I’d also call friends and collaborators. 16