Pub. 1 2024 Directory

As an employer or a coworker, it is essential that you recognize the warning signs of a potential suicide. Those signs include: • Appearing sad or depressed. • Increased tardiness and absenteeism. • Talking about feeling trapped. • Expressing a desire to die. • Decreased productivity at work. • Isolating from others at work. • Extreme mood swings. • Increased use of drugs or alcohol. • Decreased self-confidence. • Feeling hopeless and helpless. • Sleeping too much or too little. • Acting anxious, agitated, or reckless. • Neglect of appearance or hygiene. • Withdrawing from family and friends. • A feeling of being a burden to others. • Decreased problem-solving ability. This begs the question: Have you empowered your employees to take action to help address mental health and prevent the tragedy of suicide? The CIASP developed a Suicide Prevention Integration Checklist to assist construction companies in building their mental health promotion and suicide prevention in the workplace. This checklist was designed for company leaders to evaluate who will be responsible for its implementation. Since every company operates differently and has unique needs and resources, some parts of the list might not apply in all situations. The Integration Checklist is broken down into five parts: 1. Corporate attention to and consideration of mental health 2. Resources in place for employees dealing with mental health issues 3. Readiness within the company to deal with suicidal employees 4. Building protective factors 5. Crisis response To download the Mental Health & Suicide Prevention for Construction Companies, please scan the QR code. advocacy/docs/legal-issues/constructionliability/trending-now/suicide-preventionanalysis-integration-checklist.pdf This checklist should not be considered a “one-and-done” portion of a company’s processes and procedures. It should be a fluid, ever-present, update-when-necessary segment that is reviewed, studied and trained frequently. Take action to determine who might be in need. All managers, supervisors 23