Pub. 1 2019 Issue 1
Are there any specific individuals who had a major impact on your career? I learned the business from Don Mealey. He was an excellent teach- er and a terrific mentor. To this day, he is an advisor. I’m was also lucky to have great investors in Paul Dunkley and David Hammond. I really appreciate their confidence and their help to make Kisselback Ford a reality. What is the most rewarding part of your career? I loved the car business from the very first day. The people, the activ- ity, the pressure, what we are able to do in the community – it was and continues to be awesome. What do you think will be some of the dominant trends within the auto industry in the next 5-10 years? Every time I think I might know, turns out, nope, I don’t. But auton- omous cars will certainly play a role, the transition from cars to SUVs, as will interest rates, and a bunch of new products. I guess what surprises me is how much of it still stays the same. The fundamentals of the business are the same as they were back in 1987, which is how we interact with people. Regardless of whether we are Interacting through social me- dia, the internet, etc. – I don’t think we even had any internet when I started in the car business – the fundamentals of the business are the same. It’s about people. The point of my thoughts are that there will be new trends in this business, as there are in any business, but I believe that the fundamentals of how we interact with each other is what sells cars, and that will always be at the core of any new trend. continued on page 10 The point of my thoughts are that there will be new trends in this business, as there are in any business, but I believe that the fundamentals of how we interact with each other is what sells cars, and that will always be at the core of any new trend. Issue 1 2019 9 CFADA.ORG
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