Pub 7 2022 Issue 3

4 Continued from page 3 Members was amazing. The event kicked off at High Rollers with a pre-show party and wrapped up with a little fun with a hypnotist. In between, attendees enjoyed networking, education, and fun. The Education and Events Committee partnered into one in the new fiscal year. Adam Schweickert and Cindy Harrison came together as leaders. They not only supported Steve and Andrew in their event needs, but also hosted a few Happy Hours, a Fair Housing Training, and the Holiday Party and Nutmeg Awards. The October Happy Hour had a charitable giving component, stuffing 200 bags for the American Red Cross. The Fair Housing Training was the first CTAA inperson training outside of the Tradeshow Education since the pandemic. Thank you to the Landlord Law Firm for being the educators, and thank you to all who attended. The Holiday Party and Nutmeg Awards was held at the Omni in New Haven, a new location for CTAA, and was beautifully fantastic. Award nominations were plentiful, and participation numbers were over 300, rounding out a successful year with so many of our valued members. Looking Forward … There is so much happening in 2023! Continue to watch our website: January 17 is our Winter Happy Hour, CAMT is being hosted by CTAA in Connecticut the week of January 23; February should bring legislatures together again at an informal breakfast to discuss how things are going in this long session year. Not to mention the Annual Meeting in March with a special Government Relations Guest and, of course, Maintenance Mania in April to be hosted again as a stand-alone event to focus on our maintenance teams. These upcoming 2023 CTAA events will be supported by our new association Executive Director Jessica Doll. Jessica Doll joined CTAA in this new leadership role in January 2022 and has hit the ground running. Her years of service in property management and volunteer time with CTAA have set her up for much success. I look forward to seeing you soon! Join me in welcoming Jessica and thanking all our volunteers.