Pub. 1 2024 Directory

THIS RE-PRINT OF THE ARKANSAS MOTOR VEHICLE COMMISSION ACT AND RULES AND REGULATIONS MAY NOT CONTAIN RECENT CHANGES. VISIT WWW.LABOR.ARKANSAS.GOV/LICENSING/MOTOR-VEHICLE-COMMISSION FOR THE MOST CURRENT EDITION OF THE AMVC ACT AND RULES AND REGULATIONS. SUBCHAPTER 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 23-112-101. Title 23-112-102. Legislative Findings-Purpose 23-112-103. Definitions 23-112-104. Injunction 23-112-105. Civil Damages 23-112-106. Enforcement 23-112-107. Motor Vehicle Event Data Recorder-Data Ownership SUBCHAPTER 2. MOTOR VEHICLE COMMISSION. 23-112-201. Arkansas Motor Vehicle CommissionCreation-Members-Officers 23-112-202. Proceedings -- Bond 23-112-203. Executive director -- Employees -- Office 23-112-204. Rules and regulations 23-112-205. Disposition of funds 23-112-206. [Repealed.] SUBCHAPTER 3. LICENSING AND REGULATION. 23-112-301. License required. 23-112-302. Application for license 23-112-303. Application fees 23-112-304. Issuance of license-Change of location-Change of business or corporate name, structure, or DBA name-Dealers, manufacturers, distributors, etc. 23-112-305. Display of license-Change of employer-Factory representative and distributor representative 23-112-306. Display of license -- Change of employer -- Salesperson 23-112-307. Expiration of license 23-112-308. Denial, revocation, and suspension 23-112-309. Monetary penalty in lieu of suspension or revocation of license 23-112-310. Delivery, preparation, and warranty obligations 23-112-311. Addition or relocation of new motor vehicle dealer 23-112-312. License reciprocity with other states 23-112-313. Warranty agreements 23-112-314. Civil penalty 23-112-315. [Repealed.] 23-112-316. Delivery prior to sale -- Disclosures 23-112-317. Motor vehicle dealer service and handling fees 23-112-318. Negative equity financing and disclosures permitted 23-112-319. Reimbursement claim by motor vehicle dealer (recall reimbursement) SUBCHAPTER 4. UNLAWFUL PRACTICES. 23-112-401. [Repealed.] 23-112-402. Dealer and salesperson 23-112-403. Manufacturers, distributors, second-stage manufacturers, importers, or converters 23-112-404. Motor vehicle lessors 23-112-405. [Repealed.] 23-112-406. Acting as broker 23-112-407. [Repealed.] SUBCHAPTER 5. HEARINGS AND APPEALS. 23-112-501. Right to hearing 23-112-502. Call for hearing 23-112-503. Notice -- Location of hearing 23-112-504. Conduct of hearing 23-112-506. Appeals 23-112-507. Exhaustion of remedies required -- Exception 23-112-508. Rules of order or procedure 23-112-509. Summons, citation, and subpoena SUBCHAPTER 6. USED MOTOR VEHICLE BUYERS PROTECTION. (Section not included.) 23-112-601. Necessity for regulation -- Legislative findings -- Legislative declaration 23-112-602. Definitions 23-112-603. Penalty for violation and disbursal of fines 23-112-604. Powers generally 23-112-605. Violations 23-112-606. License required 23-112-607. Dealer license 23-112-608. License certificate fees 23-112-609. Issuance of license certificate 23-112-610. Display of dealer license 23-112-611. Records to be maintained 23-112-612. [Repealed.] 23-112-613. Delivery prior to sale -- Disclosures 23-112-614. Auto auction fees for salvage-titled or parts-only titled vehicles 23-112-615. [Repealed.] 23-112-616. [Repealed.] 23-112-617. Used motor vehicle dealer service and handling fee SUBCHAPTER 7. DAMAGE TO MOTOR VEHICLES WHILE IN TRANSIT. 23-112-701. When delivery accomplished 23-112-702. Damage prior to delivery to the dealer -- Notice 23-112-703. Failure to repair 23-112-704. Computing time 23-112-705. Disclosure of damage to consumer -- Certification 23-112-706. Damage after delivery to the dealer -- Disclosure to the consumer -- Certification 23-112-707. Manufacturer required to indemnify franchised dealers SUBCHAPTER 8. SPECIAL MOTORCYCLE EVENTS. (Section not included.) 23-112-801. Findings 23-112-802. Definitions 23-112-803. Statements of estimated positive economic impact 23-112-804. Significant positive economic impact determinations 23-112-805. Authority to waive relevant market area and rules 23-112-806. Established and ongoing special motorcycle events SUBCHAPTER 9. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE SPECIAL EVENTS. (Section not included.) 23-112-901. Findings 23-112-902. Definitions 23-112-903. Statements of estimated positive economic impact 23-112-904. Significant positive economic impact determinations 23-112-905. Authority to waive relevant market area and rules ARKANSAS MOTOR VEHICLE COMMISSION ACT INDEX 22 | 2024 Membership Directory and Buyer’s Guide