Pub. 1 2024 Issue 1

Does your CPA firm help drive your business forward? Dealerships need the specialized services of a committed and independent CPA firm with a proactive approach to enhancing business and fueling growth. HHM is that kind of firm. a friend and asked if I could borrow a pasture. The rest is history. I enjoy hunting as well. We have deer leases with the local timber company, so we hunt on their property. Do you have any advice for the incoming chair? Keep focusing on bringing the dealer members together. The association is only as strong as its membership. Rely on those around you to help, including Greg, the board and even past chairs. They have many years of experience and are ready to help. We always have issues, whether it be factory or legislative. Our network of dealers throughout the state is our most effective resource when dealing with these issues. I am proud that every new car dealer in Arkansas is a member of AADA. I want to thank Greg and the staff at AADA for the great job they do. 9 Arkansas Auto Dealer