Pub 5 2023 Issue 1

15 Issue 1, 2023 all required paperwork listed in one place makes for a smooth title and registration process once all is said and done. Go through the list and check each item off — that’s how it should be. Pre-Populated and Ready-to-Sign State Forms Think about all of the title and registration forms we have here in California — the REG 397, REG 51, REG 227 and on and on. Now, imagine trying to get a hold of the forms needed for your buyer’s home state. Sometimes it’s as easy as downloading them off of the internet, but then you have to fill it out. When your buyer is there and finalizing the sale, who has time to hunt around the web or call other states to track down specific forms? What you really need for a smooth vehicle sale are state forms pre-populated with all of the information about the vehicle, buyer and the selling and destination states. Full-Service Title and Registration If you sell to many out-of-state buyers, chances are you would want to work with a service or partner that “just takes care of it all.” Time is money and if your staff is spending hours on the phone or hunting down fees and forms, you’d probably rather have them selling or servicing customers. Choosing a trusted partner with the complexities of out-of-state title and registration for your buyers is important. And if you currently use a service, are you getting all of the fees, checklists, forms and customer service you are hoping for? It’s that last part — customer service — that might be non-existent. Once you send all your paperwork to be processed, wouldn’t you like to ask questions and get answers? How about knowing exactly where in the title and registration process things are? Looking for a True Partner There are several providers that might offer some of the above, but CNCDA recommends Vitu Interstate for that complete toolbox you need when selling to out-of-state buyers. Did you know that each day, we here at Vitu processes thousands and thousands of transactions across the nation? Our partners rely on and trust our expertise in providing accurate title and registration fee estimates, pre-filled forms and, when requested, offering that “over the finish line” service where plates and indicia are delivered directly to you or your buyers. A