Pub 5 2023 Issue 1

16 California New Car Dealer Quarterly The Secret to Controlling Dealership Expenses By Sharon Kitzman, VUE DMS One of the significant challenges of running any automotive dealership is moderating expenses. General managers and dealer principals are responsible for controlling many costs, including payroll, vehicle inventory, floorplan, and parts inventory. Monthly bills add up, and there is less revenue to put toward necessary resources. A major opportunity for expense control may be the dealership’s software stack. According to the 2022 DMS Market Report by the Dealer Tech Nerd, the average franchise dealership spends $30,000 a month on software. With a mindset shift and careful evaluation, those costs can be reduced. A Breakdown of Dealership Software Costs Dealership software can be broken down into 29 categories. Here is an outline of the most expensive and necessary solutions for a typical franchise dealership: • The Dealer Management System or DMS is the core hub that connects all dealership data between departments and even multiple stores within a dealership group. The average monthly cost is $6,300. • Many areas of a business use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools to execute, track and analyze communications with customers