Pub 5 2023 Issue 1

18 California New Car Dealer Quarterly well with your DMS. This should not only reduce costs but make the combination of your chosen tools more valuable to the dealership. Consider what you can do with these savings to benefit your dealership even further. Can you upgrade any software that would increase productivity? Perhaps somewhere else in the dealership needs an increase in budget. Can these savings go towards increasing customer satisfaction? These are all possibilities that may not have been an option before. Good luck reducing your costs and increasing your profits! A Sharon Kitzman leads the launch and long-term growth of VUE DMS. Her expertise in DMS technology is key to helping VUE clients to optimize their operations with innovative solutions. Previously, Sharon managed the strategic direction and product development for Reynolds & Reynolds and Dealertrack. Her experience spans every area of dealership software development including sales, marketing, product lifecycle management, process re-engineering, OEM management, professional services and customer service. Sharon is a recognized leader in the automotive industry and has received many accolades including Automotive News Top 100 Leading Women 2015 and 2020, Auto Remarketing Women in Retail 2021, and AutoSuccess Women at the Wheel 2021. She has a Bachelor of Business Administration from Ohio State University. EPIC is proud of its partnership with more than 300 California dealerships and is the CNCDA’s only licensed broker for Health Insurance and Workers’ Compensation. As the dealers’ consultant, experience what EPIC can do for you today, including: • A team producing real results and decades of experience with dealerships and their specific needs • Proprietary Workers’ Compensation and specific insurance products tailored for dealerships • Full compliance, along with audit and claims management EPICBROKERS.COM ©2023 Edgewood Partners Insurance Center. All rights reserved. | CA License: 0B29370 LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR SERVICES BY CONTACTING: Alison McCallum (949) 422-6431 Eric Kitei (949) 228-2779 Beyond expense control at your dealership, consider why a particular tool is not benefiting your business. Is it not doing its intended job, or has your business changed in ways that make the tool no longer a good fit?