Pub 5 2023 Issue 1

22 California New Car Dealer Quarterly earlier survey reported using social media regardless of whether their employer had a policy in place. While not every company can allow on-the-job posts, those with flexibility might want to dedicate resources to creating a mutually beneficial, collaborative policy around social media use in the workplace. For example, allowing employees to share their experiences with your company through social media may promote transparency and provide job seekers with credible information on what it’s really like to work for your business. 3. Address the Potential Pitfalls While employers may benefit from employees’ on-the-job social media posts, you should address potential dangers, including legal and business concerns. Of the many legal concerns, the most glaring are privacy protections and confidentiality. As employees capture authentic moments during the workday for BeReal or post TikTok “day in the life” videos, they frequently walk around the workplace, recording offices, conference rooms, common spaces, the cafeteria, and more. The videos may inadvertently capture confidential information, such as audio of an internal meeting, the image of a client’s name, or a trade secret. Confidentiality issues also arise with employees who work remotely. For example, employees may take a video of their innovative at-home workspace while a Zoom meeting is in progress or while their computer screen displays proprietary information. You should also be cognizant of how allowing employees to post on the job can potentially harm your organization’s reputation. TikTok and BeReal attract users who go viral — the BeReal app takes a less sensational approach. BeReal doesn’t have filters, hashtags, or even followers. To view someone’s BeReal, you have to request to be their friend. The app encourages users to provide an unfiltered view into their “real” everyday life. Each day at a different time, the app simultaneously notifies all users to “BeReal” and share a photo within two minutes, regardless of their location. The camera on the app will then take a photo of the user with the front-facing camera while also taking a photo on the back camera, creating a BeReal snapshot to share with friends. This app can be potentially problematic for employers. Many times, BeReal alerts occur during work hours, so users end up taking pictures of their workplace or work area. Because BeReal is shared among friends, the app may create a sense of safety, and users might forget to censor confidential information. Moreover, while BeReal doesn’t have the same “viral” nature as TikTok, that doesn’t stop users from sharing their posts beyond the app on other platforms. This trend illustrates that the new generation of workers values the transparency these apps provide, with many not considering that their candid photos may also reveal company information. 2. Strike a Balance Before you decide to curb all TikTok and BeReal posts from the workplace, you should recognize that such posts can pay dividends. Employees who are active on social media may be more equipped to understand the social pulse of the company’s customer base. Additionally, allowing employees to contribute to company-sponsored social media posts shows that the company trusts them, which can increase confidence and make employees feel valued. Furthermore, social media networking may help employees collaborate, share ideas, and solve problems. This can lead to better employee engagement and retention. Moreover, utilizing social media in the workplace can make the company more desirable to potential applicants, particularly Gen Z and millennial job seekers. Social media is here to stay, and employers should recognize that policies barring all forms of social media use in the workplace may be unrealistic. In fact, about 72% of respondents to a 2021 Pew Research Center survey said they use some form of social media and 77% of respondents to an Employees who are active on social media may be more equipped to understand the social pulse of the company’s customer base. continued on page 24