Pub 5 2023 Issue 2

TAXES AVERAGE DEALERSHIP INDUSTRY TOTAL State sales tax $5.84 million $8.46 billion Federal payroll taxes $2.31 million $3.34 billion State payroll taxes $541,000 $783.37 million Real estate taxes $159,000 $230.23 million Other state and local taxes $106,200 $153.78 million Total taxes collected and paid by California’s new car dealers $8.96 million $12.97 billion AVERAGE DEALERSHIP INDUSTRY TOTAL Amount spent on EV charging infrastructure during 2021 $24,600 $35.45 million Estimated expenditures on EV charging infrastructure during 2023 $235,000 $340.28 million CA’S ELECTRIC VEHICLE MARKET 2022 EV MARKET SHARE 17.1% (9.5% in ‘21) NUMBER OF EVS SOLD IN 2022 285,199 (176,357 in ‘21) Average sales tax generated on the sale of a new vehicle in Los Angeles: $4,628.21 % OF REPAIR WORK: Recalls Warranty Customer pay % OF TECHNICIANS CERTIFIED FOR EV SERVICING 34% Generated by CA’s New Car Dealers in 2022 CHARITABLE GIVING AVERAGE DEALERSHIP INDUSTRY TOTAL Number of service technicians employed at dealerships 22 31,856 Number of additional service technicians needed 4 5,792 Number of repair orders 22,900 33.2 million SERVICE TECHICIANS In 2022, California new car dealers made over $62.84 million in donations to charitable and civic organizations, a 29% increase in charitable giving since 2019. 8% 28% 64% 29 California New Car Dealer Quarterly