Pub. 5 2023 Issue 4

payroll tax due to new requirements is both false and misleading. Three Distinct Ways To Help Your Dealership Navigate LTC 1. The Human Perspective: Planning for LTC needs is an important component of a sound financial plan. 2. The Employer Perspective: Considering a voluntary benefit offering of LTC Insurance is a relevant benefit decision for a number of reasons. Many organizations have adopted a people-first culture, and end-stage care is a significant concern that employees are facing for themselves and often for their parents. Employer-sponsored LTC Insurance can be issued without the employee being subject to underwriting. Underwriting might preclude individuals with adverse health history from obtaining coverage. Employer-sponsored Long-Term Care Insurance is often less expensive than individually obtained coverage and is generally portable in the event of a change in employment. Employerfunded LTC Insurance is a low-cost, highly valued incentive that can be a differentiator in attracting and retaining valued employees. 3. The Legislative Perspective: While relatively low in cost, whether funded by the employer or employee, LTC Insurance may help employees and their families avoid a potential new payroll tax and improve their coverage for LTC needs as compared with state-provided benefits. 30 California New Car Dealer Quarterly