Pub. 5 2023 Issue 4

Brian Maas, President California New Car Dealers Association PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE A Prime Time for New Car Sales? Dear Members and Friends, I hope this issue of California New Car Dealer Quarterly finds you well as we navigate the evolving landscape of California’s automotive industry. I want to bring your attention to a recent development prompting discussions at the state and national levels and raising concerns within our community. As many of you may be aware, Hyundai has announced a partnership with Amazon to sell vehicles via a digital storefront, allowing buyers to complete the entire car shopping and buying process via the Amazon platform. While innovation and adaptation are crucial in our industry, the potential impact of this offering needs to be critically evaluated. With this development, I want to reassure you that CNCDA is actively engaged in understanding the nuances of this program. Anthony Bento, CNCDA’s Chief Legal Officer, and I attended the launch of the pilot program at the LA Auto Show last month, and we are committed to learning more about its intricacies. Our proactive approach is to get the information needed to navigate this development and act on behalf of 7 California New Car Dealer Quarterly