Pub. 5 2023 Issue 4

our members at the legal, regulatory or state and federal government levels to ensure your business is safeguarded. Hyundai’s collaboration with Amazon raises significant legal and process questions, with few answers yet available. Recently, CNCDA met with Hyundai’s Chief Marketing Officer (alongside NADA and other Auto Trade Association Executives nationwide) to ask program, logistical, legal and simple process questions. Unfortunately, very few concrete answers were offered, thus proving the intricacies of the program haven’t been fully vetted or tested. This potentially creates an incredibly confusing (and potentially illegal) vehicle purchasing process. As our association protects the interests of our members, we will engage in continued conversations surrounding these major uncertainties and implications. Let’s not forget dealers provide a comprehensive car-buying experience, with expert guidance on a range of features that consumers can readily access (which Prime delivery teams cannot replicate). the value of the in-person support and guidance that local dealerships expertly provide. CNCDA’s mission is to promote and advocate for the protection of our dealers. Last year, we successfully championed AB 473, a franchise bill designed to prevent manufacturers from circumventing their own franchised partners. This legislative victory ensures that our dealers are protected from potentially unfavorable practices by manufacturers. Moving forward, we will keep our members informed, leverage the protections afforded by AB 473 and work diligently to safeguard the interests of our members. Thank you for your continued trust and commitment to CNCDA. We will navigate these challenges together, emerging stronger and more resilient as an association. Cheers, Brian Maas President, CNCDA Let’s not forget dealers provide a comprehensive car-buying experience, with expert guidance on a range of features that consumers can readily access (which Prime delivery teams cannot replicate). The speed, convenience and education of getting features customers desire are better facilitated at a local dealership, where our members have established trust and rapport with their customers. We also anticipate return and warranty issues being a major source of confusion for customers with this new online purchasing process. The complexities of navigating concerns through a digital platform will present major challenges for consumers, highlighting 8 California New Car Dealer Quarterly