Pub. 6 2024 Issue 1

Our goal is to support dealers and educators who create sustainable, permanent change in each of our students’ lives. It all starts with just one inspired student. We invite you to celebrate the good work you are doing every day with our entire membership. Do you have a success story at your dealership? Did a scholarship winner grow into a valued team member? Was their mentor involved in their personal and professional achievements as an auto tech? Look for these powerful student scholarship winner stories in future newsletters. Contact Kim McPhaul at or (916) 441-2599 ext. 117. A To learn more about the CNCDA Foundation, scan the QR code. To learn more about the California College Promise Grant, scan the QR code. california-college-promise-grant EPICBROKERS.COM ©2024 Edgewood Partners Insurance Center. All rights reserved. | CA License: 0B29370 EPIC Insurance Brokers & Consultants is proud of its partnership with more than 300 California dealerships and is the CNCDA’s only licensed broker for health insurance and employee benefits. As the dealers’ consultant, experience what EPIC can do for you, including: • A team producing significant results with decades of experience understanding the specific needs of dealerships • Fully insured and unique alternative funding options to best fit your needs and generate the best possible costs • Full compliance services and HR support for your team LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR SERVICES BY CONTACTING: Alison McCallum (949) 422-6431 29 California New Car Dealer Quarterly