Pub. 2 2020-2021 Issue 4

28 HowCOVID-19 Should Change Your Benefits Communication Strategy Troye Fontenette Western Regional Manager, American Fidelity Assurance Company T his year has changed the way the world does everything, including benefits enrollments. And for employees, it’s more important than ever to keep them informed about their benefits options. Employers may be looking for new ways to engage their employees in safe and effective ways. American Fidelity shifted all enrollments to a guided virtual experience be- ginning in March, and we’ve observed which strategies are the most effective for a successful benefits enrollment. Set an Expectation for Digital Communication Ensure your employees know to expect important infor- mation digitally. Make sure you have your employees’ personal email addresses and cellphone numbers so you can get in touch with your staff no matter what circum- stances arise. Even if you have returned to an in-person environment, using digital communications is often a bet- ter solution when your employees are always on the road. Here are some digital communication methods to consider: Postcards: To promote digital engagement, send a postcard to your employees with a QR code or hyperlink that opens your intranet or enrollment site. You can also use this as an opportunity to promote the other digital communication channels you plan to use throughout the enrollment. Intranet: Ensure your intranet is kept up to date with a list of all your benefits offerings. When available, include digi- tal versions of brochures, benefits education videos, and other information to help employees learn ahead of time. Email Marketing: Email marketing has been the meth- od of choice for businesses during the pandemic. Your employees are likely getting bombarded by every retailer and organization they’ve ever interacted with. Respect your employees’ inboxes by keeping your email frequency low and only include relevant and important information. If you aim for quality and not quantity, your employees are more likely to view the emails as pertinent. Text Messages: Use text messages to send out important dates and reminders. You can include hyperlinks to your intranet site or other important benefits information. Social Media Groups: Consider creating a private social media group for your employees to share updates and important information. Since employees are using their personal devices more now than ever, it is a great chan- nel to use.