Pub. 2 2020-2021 Issue 4

29 Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP | CPAs & Advisors | | (714) 672-0022 Brea Sacramento “We have a fantastic relationship with the LSL team. They keep our interests top of mind and maintain a positive reputation in the industry.” Santa Ana -Craig Whetter, President, David Wilson Automotive Group (relationship since 1983) Donald Slater, CPA Automotive Services Partner Mike Mangold, CPA Automotive Services Partner David Myers, CPA Automotive Tax Partner Don’t Stop Offering One-on- One Support As you increase your digital com- munication strategies, don’t abandon one-on-one support. Employees want an opportunity to ask questions and receive personalized benefits recommendations. Here are some ways you can still provide personal support: Offer Educational Group Meeting Webinars While benefits education videos are effective, live webinars are a great companion. One benefit of webinars compared to videos is the opportunity to ask questions. Hosting live events creates a sense of urgency and anticipation, so you are more likely to see engagement compared to a static video. Consider hosting webinars at multiple times of the day so your em- ployees will have a chance to attend no matter where they are. Provide a Virtual Guided Enrollment While you may be considering an online self-enroll experience, only about 12% of employees said they prefer self-education on their benefits and enrolling on their own. 2 A guided virtual enrollment allows your employees to receive one- on-one guidance from a dedicated benefits counselor. Just because enrollments may happen virtually doesn’t mean your employees have to sacrifice getting the guidance they want. While we hope the future allows things to “return to normal,” these benefits communications strategies are likely here to stay. We’re here to help, whatever the circumstances may be, no matter where your em- ployees are located. About American Fidelity: American Fidelity is a partner of the California New Car Dealers Association. As an extension of your human resources department, American Fidelity provides benefits education and enrollment support to make it easy for your employees to understand which benefits are right for them. We’re a great resource for assistance in navigating challenges with benefits administration and offer convenient enrollment solutions for in-person, virtual, or a combination of the two. Whether you need volun- tary supplemental benefits, benefits education, employer solutions or full benefits enrollment, we can assist with that and so much more. 3 Troye Fontenette Western Regional Manager American Fidelity Assurance Company 800-365-9180 1 American Fidelity internal post-enrollment sur- vey data, data from July 2019 to June 2020. 2 American Fidelity internal post-enrollment survey data, data from July 2019 to June 2020. ESB-8251-0720