Pub. 3 2021-2022 Issue 1

15 reworked schedules, shortened hours, and worked with employees who needed time off for illness. It’s been a juggling act. But so far, so good. What effect do you think this crisis will have on the auto industry going forward? Everyone will think twice before hugging anyone again for a long time! I think the hand sanitizer will be a permanent fixture. Humans adapt. I think it will feel funny not wearing a mask once it’s safe to do so. I think that there will be some positive effects, too, if you will. For instance, I think no-touch write-ups will continue, and less physical paperwork will continue. I think some of the processes of selling cars and doing service work will continue to remain streamlined. There are good side effects. I worry more about the lingering effects of isolation. People need people. I hope we can get back to socializing soon. Describe your all-time favorite vehicle (it can be one you’ve owned or something on your wish list). What are you driving now? I’m a car guy. I love cars. I love the muscle cars of the 70s, the small sports cars. Right now, I am driving a Ram truck, which I love — so I bet my sales team will sell it any day. I guess you could say I love anything with a hellcat motor. Tell us about your family. I come from a large family; there were six of us. I have been married to a beautiful woman, Julie, for 35 years. We have three children, Matt, Scott and Nicole, and two grandbabies — twins — one of each. I am a very lucky man. What is your favorite way to spend your free time? Any unusual hobbies? Nothing too unusual, I would think. I am an endurance athlete, so I am into marathons and triathlons. I’m a competitive water skier in the local and regional levels — that’s why I need a truck, even though I know it will be sold any day. I also ride bikes, and I love to hike with my wife. 3 Paul Normandin Matt Normandin Scott Normandin