Pub. 3 2021-2022 Issue 1

4 WINS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS TOP 10 ©2021 California New Car Dealers Association (CNCDA) | The newsLINK Group, LLC. All rights reserved. The California New Car Dealer Quarterly is published four times each year by The newsLINK Group, LLC for the CNCDA and is the oƒcial publication for this association. The information contained in this publication is intended to provide general information for review, consideration and dealer education. The contents do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied on as such. If you need legal advice or assistance, it is strongly recommended that you contact an attorney as to your specific circumstances. The statements and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the CNCDA, its board of directors, or the publisher. Likewise, the appearance of advertisements within this publication does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any product or service advertised. The California New Car Dealer Quarterly is a collective work, and as such, some articles are submitted by authors who are independent of the CNCDA. While the California New Car Dealer Quarterly encourages a first- print policy, in cases where this is not possible, every e‰ort has been made to comply with any known reprint guidelines or restrictions. Content may not be reproduced or reprinted without prior written permission. For further information, please contact the publisher at 855.747.4003. 22 CONTENTS 12 18 6 President ’ s Message 10 2021 Oƒcers and Directors 12 Getting to Know Your CNCDA Chairman, Mark Normandin 16 Upcoming Events 18 A Look Back at CNCDA Significant Wins and Accomplishments 22 What Should Dealers Expect from the California Legislature in 2021? 24 COVID-19 Resources, CNCDA Continues to Enhance Support and Guidance 25 Expect More from CNCDA Comply in 2021 27 Three Tools to Change Your View of Out-of-state Transactions 28 CNCDA Virtual Dealer Day 29 CNCDA Is Here For You 30 California Auto Outlook ISSUE 1, 2021