Pub. 1 2023-2024 Directory

New-Car Dealer Advertising Campaign The CATA continues to dedicate funding to help promote local dealerships. Various and timely radio campaigns, ranging from why it’s best to “buy a used car from a new-car store” to reasons why the dealer is the best place to have vehicle service performed, are produced and purchased by the association. The impact is significant and helps our dealers’ image in the market. Leasing has been a recent emphasis. CATA Educational Seminar Series A wide variety of seminars enable members to learn more about issues that affect them. Topics range from operational improvements to regulatory compliance to legislative issues. Seminars are complimentary to CATA members and are announced in both the CATA Bulletin and in separately circulated promotional notices. DriveChicago on WLS-AM 890 From new cars to classic cars, from racing to technology, the DriveChicago radio show delivers a lively and frank discussion of everything automotive. CATA employees and longtime automotive expert Mark Bilek and enthusiast Jim OBrill are hosts of the only automotive-focused radio show in Chicagoland. DriveChicago radio, airing Saturdays at 8 A.M. on WLS-AM, delivers dynamic coverage of the automotive industry, including new-vehicle reviews, in-depth interviews with industry experts, tips for vehicle maintenance and insight into new trends and technologies. All the while, we hope to have a little fun along the way. Better Business Bureau The CATA continues to enjoy a strong relationship with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) office that serves Chicago and northern Illinois. One example of this relationship is the Advertising Review program, which the CATA established with the BBB. With the assistance of the BBB, CATA members have a clear understanding of dealer advertising standards in Illinois. The BBB has worked hand in hand with the CATA in helping dealers with the Bureau’s “Letter Grading” system, which rates businesses on their honesty and fairness to customers. Companies receive letter grades A+ through F, an update over the previous “satisfactory” or “unsatisfactory” ratings. A business must maintain a letter grade of B or higher to be eligible for accreditation, amongst multiple other factors. This 38