Pub. 1 2023-2024 Issue 4

Auto Shows Attract and Influence In‑Market Consumers • 43% of all attendees (395,736) report they are in the market to purchase a vehicle within the next 12 months. • 76% of in-market attendees report a brand’s absence from an auto show impacts their purchase likelihood. • 37% of in-market attendees added a brand to their consideration list as a result of their auto show experience. • 69% of in-market attendees report the auto show was helpful in their purchase decision. This national study validates what the auto show community has known for some time, which is that auto shows play a crucial role in shaping future purchase decisions. Even in today’s digital world, there is no better place to showcase the latest product in front of qualified buyers than an auto show. Moreover, as the auto industry continues to shift to EVs and other alternative fuel options, auto shows serve as vital educational platforms for widespread adoption of these new technologies. While this exercise with Productions Plus was a valuable one, as it was the first time in history that 10 unique auto shows collaborated on a streamlined data collection initiative, it foreshadows what’s to come regarding shows working together into the future to provide manufacturers exactly what they’ve been after for a long time. As auto shows, as well as manufacturers, strive to educate the masses about alternative fuel options and more, research such as this is of incredible value. The research found that prior to attending an auto show, one-third of attendees admitted to knowing nothing about driving, charging or maintaining an EV. By the end of their auto show visit, one-third of these attendees reported they had gained valuable insights into electrified vehicles. The data for this research was collected during the 2023-2024 auto show season as part of the Auto Show Insights Initiative executed by the Insights division of Productions Plus. Ten auto shows 16 CATA UP TO SPEED