Pub. 1 2023-2024 Issue 4

at Heller Auto Group. “Hilb has helped more than 1500 new‑car dealers reduce prescription drug costs by an average of 42% and medical costs by 10%-23%. Hilb Group has done this while simultaneously easing the administrative burden of employee benefits and HR.” The Chicago Automobile Trade Association Member Benefits Committee works to establish and maintain preferred partner relationships with allied members with programs offering unique value to our dealer members and the CATA. CATA Approved Member Partners are thoroughly reviewed by the Member Benefits Committee and have proven track records of benefiting CATA member dealers. The vendors work with the CATA to offer these programs to our entire membership. Remuneration to the CATA may also be part of these agreements. The aim of the CATA Recommended Consultants program is to identify and recommend organizations that have a proven track record of helping dealers in areas of the business that can be particularly challenging to navigate and manage. In recognizing these organizations, the CATA believes that all dealer members can benefit from the expertise and services that the selected organizations provide. CATA Recommended Consultants are independent organizations not tied to the sales process of any individual product or service and have agreed to offer special pricing to CATA member dealers. Contact Colin Royster at or (540) 526-7074 today to get started on potentially lowering your employee benefits costs by up to 35%. For more information about CATA Approved Partners, please visit For more information about CATA Recommended Consultants, please visit CATA UP TO SPEED 21