Pub. 1 2023 Issue 2

Dear CATA Members, As we move toward the end of the year, I thought it would be appropriate to deliver an update on what the CATA has been pursuing on your behalf. In September, CATA Vice Chairman Jason Roberts, CATA Co-President Jen Morand and I attended the Washington Conference, organized by the NADA, to discuss issues that impact dealers across the country. The conference outlined the ongoing strategy NADA has legislatively. After the conference sessions concluded, each association delegation had opportunities to meet with their individual state’s Congressional representatives to discuss the most important issues. This year, the NADA has identified its top three initiatives listed below: 1. FTC’s Overreaching “Vehicle Shopping Rule”: Members of Congress should cosponsor the soon-to-be-introduced “FTC REDO Act” directing the FTC to “redo” its flawed “Vehicle Shopping Rule” to prevent the agency from needlessly imposing significant burdens and costs on consumers and small business dealers. 2.EPA’s EV Mandate Goes Too Far Too Fast: Members of Congress are encouraged to sign letters to congressional leadership warning that unless the EPA creates a national greenhouse gas standard that is reasonable and achievable for all 50 states and stops attempting to ban the sale of gas-powered cars, Congress will need to step in. The EPA’s proposed rule effectively mandates that 67.5% of new vehicle sales in 2032 be electric. NADA filed comments opposing the rule. A House Appropriations bill included language to prevent the EPA from spending money to finalize this mandate. 3.The Technical and Non-Controversial “Supply Chain Disruptions Relief Act” (LIFO Relief, H.R. 700/ S. 443): Members of Congress should cosponsor the bipartisan “Supply Chain Disruptions Relief Act” and urge House and Senate leadership to pass this technical and noncontroversial legislation at the earliest opportunity. Under the legislation, Congress would determine that the conditions necessary to grant additional time to replace vehicle inventories under existing law due to pandemicrelated foreign trade interruptions have been met. Our meetings included Congressmen Sean Casten, Brad Schneider and Raja Krishnamoorthi, as well as Congresswoman Robin Kelly. We also met with staff from Senator Dick Durbin’s office. Each of these lawmakers seemed to understand our concerns and were outwardly interested in what we had to discuss. It’s important that we attend these conferences. It allows us to stay abreast of the issues that NADA feels are crucial and, State of the CATA Chris Konecki, Executive Vice President № 1 CATA UP TO SPEED 5