Pub 10 2020-2021 Issue1

13 Website Requirements in the State of Utah Governance Structure R277-551-5  The school’s charter  Information about the governance struc- ture at the school  Charter school governing board policies  Name, qualification and contact information of all charter school governing board members  The location of governing board minutes and meeting recordings and a statement of how to access the minutes and recordings no longer accessible electronically 52-4-1  The rules of order and procedures to govern a public meeting of the charter school governing board 53G-5-413(2)(a)(ii) Administration Procedures R277-472-6 & R277-551-5  Lottery dates and procedures  Timelines for acceptance of new students consist with 53G-6-503  Admissions forms  The number of new students that will be admitted into the school by grade  Procedures for transferring to or from a charter or district school  Non-discrimination assurances  Student transfer form  Assurance and parent signature that the student has been admitted to only one public school Public Financial Information  Financial policies (cash handling policy, expenditure policy, fundraising policy, an LEA donation and gift policy, finan- cial reporting policy, travel, payroll) R277-113-4  School fee policy, fee schedule, and fee waiver policy R277-407  Copy of the budget report each month 53G-7-309 Civic Information  Information about the flag, respect for the flag, and civility toward all during patriotic activities R277-475-7 Other Charter School Policies  Electronic Devices R277-495-3  Educational Employee Required Reports of Arrests and Required Background checks policies for non-licensed employees R277-516-5  Employee Code of Conduct R277-322-3  Bullying and Hazing Policy R277-613-4  Head Injury Policy R277-614-4 School Calendar R277-551-5  The first and last days of school  Scheduled holidays  Scheduled professional and development days  Scheduled non-school days Additional Programs Available to Students  A link to the Carson Smith Scholarship webpage  Provide information about Statewide Online Education Program R277-726-5 Additional Items  Other items required by the charter school’s authorizer, statute, and Board rule R277-482-4 This list is intended as a resource only. There may be additional requirements not included. Information listed may change without notice. School leaders are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the associated regulations.