Pub 10 2020-2021 Issue1
13 Website Requirements in the State of Utah Governance Structure R277-551-5 The school’s charter Information about the governance struc- ture at the school Charter school governing board policies Name, qualification and contact information of all charter school governing board members The location of governing board minutes and meeting recordings and a statement of how to access the minutes and recordings no longer accessible electronically 52-4-1 The rules of order and procedures to govern a public meeting of the charter school governing board 53G-5-413(2)(a)(ii) Administration Procedures R277-472-6 & R277-551-5 Lottery dates and procedures Timelines for acceptance of new students consist with 53G-6-503 Admissions forms The number of new students that will be admitted into the school by grade Procedures for transferring to or from a charter or district school Non-discrimination assurances Student transfer form Assurance and parent signature that the student has been admitted to only one public school Public Financial Information Financial policies (cash handling policy, expenditure policy, fundraising policy, an LEA donation and gift policy, finan- cial reporting policy, travel, payroll) R277-113-4 School fee policy, fee schedule, and fee waiver policy R277-407 Copy of the budget report each month 53G-7-309 Civic Information Information about the flag, respect for the flag, and civility toward all during patriotic activities R277-475-7 Other Charter School Policies Electronic Devices R277-495-3 Educational Employee Required Reports of Arrests and Required Background checks policies for non-licensed employees R277-516-5 Employee Code of Conduct R277-322-3 Bullying and Hazing Policy R277-613-4 Head Injury Policy R277-614-4 School Calendar R277-551-5 The first and last days of school Scheduled holidays Scheduled professional and development days Scheduled non-school days Additional Programs Available to Students A link to the Carson Smith Scholarship webpage Provide information about Statewide Online Education Program R277-726-5 Additional Items Other items required by the charter school’s authorizer, statute, and Board rule R277-482-4 This list is intended as a resource only. There may be additional requirements not included. Information listed may change without notice. School leaders are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the associated regulations.
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