Pub 10 2020-2021 Issue1

7 Education Funding Increase $500 Million increase approved in ongoing money. The passage of Amendment G took the politics out of state funding by putting education funding out in front. The Legislature began with $400M for public education, and increased that amount to $500M by the close of the session. HB 450 Educator Stipends Amendments (Last/Millner) Legislators added this amendment to eliminate unintended consequences from confusing language in SB 1 (Public Education Base Budget Amendments). This amendment allows qualified educators and school employees to receive stipends. SB 178 Education Deadline and Fiscal Flexibility (Fillmore/ Moss) This bill e xtends or provides flexibility regarding spending restrictions up to 35% of your restricted state funds. HB 42/ HB 134/ HB 300 Education Reporting Reforms (Pulsipher/Owens & Fillmore) This series of bills reduces the reporting burden on LEAs and requires legislators to evaluate the impact of new laws’ reporting requirements. HB 300 requires the State Board of Education to review reports required by statute and board rule, and make recommendations to the Legislature. HB 425 Education Monitoring and Funds Management Amendments (Snow/Stevenson) This bill establishes the Charter School Closure Reserve account only for repayment of funds from a closed charter school. The Legislature seeded the fund with $1M. For the next 5-6 years, each charter school will pay $2/student, when the account should reach $2M. Some version of this bill was going to pass. Under earlier versions of this bill, no authorizer would have been willing and able to authorize any additional schools, including any satellite campuses. $500M Increase Public education funding for K-12. WPU Increase WPU up 6% to $3809. LRF Increase LRF up 5% to $2701 or $139/student. MARCH 9, 2021 UAPCS Legislative Summary