15 HB 294 Charter School Admissions Amendments (Pulsipher) This bill extends the COVID-19 emergency admissions preference another year. It also permits charter schools to exceed their cap to admit a foster child, if the family has a sibling at the school. It also allows enrollment preference given to a an individual whose sibling is currently enrolled in a charter school with an approved articulation agreement with the charter school in which the individual is seeking enrollment. HB 193 Full-Day Kindergarten (Waldrip) Increases the Optional Extended-day Kindergarten (OEK) program by $12.2 million. It does not require LEAs to offer full-day kindergarten. HB 113 Students with Disabilities Funding Revisions (Judkins) Amends the formula related to add-on WPU for students with disabilities. It increases the prevalence rate to 14% in counties of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd class, and 20% in counties of the 4th, 5th or 6th class. HB 211 School Fees Amendments (Robertson) Would have prohibited an LEA from charging curricular and co-curricular fees. The statewide cost to LEAs is estimated at $55 million. HB 374 Sensitive Materials in Schools (Ivory) Prohibits pornographic materials in schools. It requires LEAs to include a representative parent in its curriculum selection committee. SB 127 Early Literacy Outcomes Improvement (Millner) Sets a statewide goal of 70% of students reading on grade level by 3rd grade. Provides resources to schools to meet that goal. Funds LTRS training for all elementary school teachers and counselors and provides teaching coaches to schools in the bottom quartile. SB 134 Special Education Amendments (Bramble) Establishes the federal limits on the least restrictive environment (LRE) as the state limits. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT WWW.UTAHCHARTERS.ORG/LEGISLATIVE-UPDATES Passed in the Legislature UAPCS Support Failed in the Legislature UAPCS Did Not Support UAPCS Neutral