Pub 12 2022-2023 Issue 6

GOING BEYOND THE DESK TO HEAR THE STORIES OF COLORADO BANKERS How did you get started in the banking industry? Well, my dad would have said that I’ve been a banker my whole life. When I was about eight years old, he would pay me to help with some of his rental properties. But my first “real” banking job was a summer stint with Rocky Mountain Bank Card approving credit transactions. It was there that I developed a fascination with numbers and recognized the importance of exemplary customer service. While pursuing a master’s degree in international finance, one of my professors asked what my career plans were. I wasn’t sure at that point, but after some discussion, he suggested I become a credit analyst for commercial loans. So I did. And it stuck. What is the most rewarding aspect of your job? My favorite thing (in banking and in life) is seeing people get to the next level. Whether it’s a business loan that allows a small business to acquire a new building, a team member whose confidence grows in customer interactions, or watching my kids develop and master new interests, I truly enjoy witnessing those lightbulb moments that propel someone to new heights. What do you like to do to give back to the community? As a bank, we commit to several Make A Difference (MAD) Days each year. Employees participate in one of three cross-department teams, each of which appoints a team lead, researches and chooses a local non-profit to serve, and schedules a day of volunteer labor. They work hard and it’s really a great source of pride for the individuals on the team, as well as the organization. What is your favorite book? Do I have to choose just one? I read a lot — mostly business books. But I also think a spreadsheet can read like a novel because numbers can tell fascinating stories. Anyway, three books I would recommend to anyone, regardless of their industry, are: 1. Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell 2. The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate the Three Essential Virtues by Patrick Lencioni 3. Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin Andy Ellison President and CEO Mountain View Bank of Commerce What do you like to do to give back to the community? When I think about community giving, I think about crossing the finish line. I ask myself what will it take for the community to feel the impact of our donation. Sometimes, that’s getting behind a new idea or service to get it launched, other times it’s the final piece in completing an initiative. In any case, we want to be an active participant in building our communities and not a bystander. Charitable giving comes in many forms. Donations, volunteerism, and innovation are all tools we rely on to help others. That’s the power of community banking. We reinvest in those we serve both in banking expertise and by being a good neighbor. What is the most rewarding aspect of your job? That’s easy. Watching people succeed. I have been fortunate to witness our business clients and our staff grow in ways they never imagined. They have often taught me the power of resilience, the overwhelming benefit of patience, and have given me moments of pure happiness when they reach the next milestone in their business or career. Since many of these moments are reached through a deep, personal investment of time, energy, and effort, it provides a feeling of meaningful satisfaction that you want to repeat, both for them and those who helped get them there. Teamwork is key. I started as a bank teller and grew into a Community Bank President. I had a desire to grow, but others also invested in me. I want that for those I hire and for our business clientele. I never want those I serve to feel like there is a ceiling to their accomplishments. Who is one of the most influential figures in your life? It’s hard to name just one person. Dick Berg, Dale Leighty, and Jonathan Fox all come to mind because of their ethics and dedication to community banking. They teach trust, customer service and community commitment. They live what they believe with such enthusiasm that it inspires those around them. Andrew Trainor Community Bank President InBank 15 Colorado Banker