Pub. 13 2023 2024 Issue 6

How did you get started in the banking industry? Banking was supposed to be a summer job for me after graduating high school. I applied at three banks that were right next to each other by my home at the time. The first bank that called hired me as a teller, and I started there in July of 1996. By 2000, I had worked my way up and was a supervisor in the loan call center. In the span of 20+ years, I was a teller, new account rep, loan call center rep, loan processor, loan processor supervisor and finally, an internal auditor. In October of 2016, I was offered an AVP, credit officer position at ANB Bank. Seven years later, I am now a senior vice president/compliance manager at ANB. What makes your bank unique? I would say that ANB’s focus on growth for their employees is one unique aspect. I worked more than 20 years at another institution, and although I am grateful for my time spent there — and it was an amazing bank that I learned a lot from — I have had more career growth at ANB in the last 7+ years than I did in my 20+ years there. A couple of ANB’s core values are to drive success; employees must be rewarded in a fair manner that promotes a consistency of purpose aligned with company objectives. We grow and retain our people by providing career growth opportunities and encouraging professional development through coaching and mentoring. ANB’s core values aren’t just a “list” of feel-good values. We live by these, and they are implemented on a daily basis. I feel I am proof of that. What is the most rewarding aspect of your job? The most rewarding aspect of my job is being able to give the same training, opportunities and career growth to my direct reports, that have been given to me. I take my leadership role seriously, and I try my best to mentor others as I have been mentored. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a mom and a teacher. I am a mom of two, but I don’t think being a teacher was in the cards for me after all, and I am so happy I am in banking instead. What do you geek out about? I love to clean and organize, which is super lame, I know. I also geek out about anything having to do with history. I love to read history books, watch history shows and movies and visit historical sites as much as I can. Desiree Castillo Senior Vice President, Senior Compliance Manager ANB Bank CBA Centerpoint How did you get started in the banking industry? I found myself in banking in a roundabout way but also in a way that speaks of community banking. Prior to joining Alpine Bank, I worked at a golf course in the mountains, and one of our customers was a loan officer with Alpine Bank who helped us transition bank accounts to Alpine. Along the way, he added that if I ever considered a career change to look him up. At about the time my wife and I had our first baby, I was looking for a change. He and I connected, and he subsequently connected me with Alpine Bank’s ops supervisor for the region, and the rest is history. Certainly a non-traditional route for me. What do you like to do to give back to the community? I think the most valuable thing I can offer to the community I serve is my time. I currently serve on five boards in the Colorado Springs community, and I love each of them: Downtown Partnership, the Cultural Office of the Pikes Peak Region, Pikes Peak Hospice and Palliative Care, Police Foundation of Colorado Springs, and the Pikes Peak United Way. They each expose me to different areas of the community and stretch me in my service and perspective. What is the most important thing you’ve learned from a career in banking? As one who has a degree in psychology (rather than in finance), I ascribe to what our Bank President Glen Jammaron continually reminds us: Banking is just people dealing with people. The moment I put my focus on something other than people — whether my staff, our customers or the community — I am missing the mark. The world of banking is hard enough; focusing on people and meeting them where they are will do more to change lives than any banking product can. What is your favorite movie or book? “A Tale of Two Cities.” Just a phenomenal period piece, set during one of the most turbulent times in recent history, examining the human condition to the core. But I could just as easily have mentioned “Les Misérables” or “Anna Karenina” or “Crime and Punishment” — all favorites. Matthew Hansen Market President Alpine Bank Colorado Banker 12