Pub. 13 2023 2024 Issue 6

How did you get started in the banking industry? I started my career in banking during the fallout of the financial crisis in late 2009. At the time, there were not many jobs available, and the banking industry was not on many people’s list of top career choices. That said, I had previously worked for FirstBank as a teller and understood the company to be quite different from other banks. I was drawn to FirstBank’s strong emphasis on community — “Banking for Good” — and its focus on employees to ensure the long-term success of the company. What is the most rewarding aspect of your job? The most rewarding aspect of my job is building relationships with clients and coworkers. I still have “thank you” notes from first-time home buyers that I had the opportunity to work with in their homebuying experience. I also value the opportunity to work with peers who strive to support each other at every level of the organization. What is the most important thing you’ve learned from a career in banking? In the early part of my career, I learned a lot about the basics of the banking industry and just how integral community banks are to local economies. I worked for a period of time on the western slope in a small community where you could see the direct impact of how financing a construction project worked its way through the various companies involved and how the impact of the project rippled through the community. Who is one of the most influential figures in your life? Two of the most influential figures in my life are my parents. My dad started his own company out of our basement when I was a kid. It taught me a lot about entrepreneurship and the courage it takes to see something through, even during tough times. My mom raised four boys with a strong work ethic and never let us settle for less than our best. Timothy J. Kelly Executive Vice President FirstBank — East GOING BEYOND THE DESK TO HEAR THE STORIES OF COLORADO BANKERS How did you get started in the banking industry? My career in banking began in 1976 when I graduated from high school. I worked at Fort Lupton State Bank until my husband and I started our family. I was fortunate enough to stay home during our kid’s childhood. Being a mom and grandma is my favorite job, but banking has been a true source of joy. Twentyfour years ago, I came back to the same bank, now known as Bank of Colorado, and have enjoyed each day of service since then. During my time here, I have assumed diverse roles, from teller to my current position of senior vice president of operations at the Fort Lupton branch. Working for the Dinsdale family has been a wonderful experience. They truly believe in the community banking model and allow us to operate as such. What is the most rewarding aspect of your job? The most rewarding aspect of my job has undoubtedly been the relationships I’ve cultivated with both colleagues and customers alike. Ultimately, it’s the people — both within our organization and in the community that have made my journey so rewarding. Their trust, collaboration and friendship have given my journey purpose and meaning. I honestly love people! What do you like to do to give back to the community? Beyond my professional commitments, I’m deeply entrenched in our community. I am actively involved in the Fort Lupton Chamber of Commerce (President), Fort Lupton Community Foundation (Chairperson), Weld County Community Foundation Board of Directors, and First United Methodist Church (UMW President, SPRC Chairperson, Finance Committee, Praise Team, Youth Volunteer, Mission Team Volunteer). I have a deep passion for serving others and giving back to the community in any way I can. Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know. Most people don’t know that my husband is a third-generation commercial beekeeper. Together, we manage and maintain over 1,800 beehives for honey and pollination. Our love for nature and caring for our bees runs deep. Mariann Johnston Senior Vice President Bank of Colorado — Fort Lupton Do you know a deserving Colorado bank employee we should feature? Contact Patricia Wells at 13 Colorado Banker