Pub. 13 2023 2024 Issue 6

I From Transactions to Transformations AI’S ROLE IN SHAPING NEXT-GEN BANKS By Dan Bruder, CEO of Blendification, Instructor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at CU, Boulder In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is redefining industries, its impact on banking through strategic planning and execution stands out. By leveraging conversational AI, banks can engage in more participatory and efficient strategy development, involving employees at all levels in shaping the bank’s future. This technology streamlines efficiencies and fosters a deeply engaged workforce committed to the bank’s mission and community impact. As AI transforms the landscape of banking, it promises a more agile, responsive and hands-on approach to strategic planning and execution, further positioning banks as key drivers of economic vitality and innovation in their communities. Background The banking industry has traditionally relied on a blend of personal service and technological advancements to serve customers. However, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted critical vulnerabilities, particularly in terms of maintaining productivity and connectivity in a predominantly remote working environment. This period of disruption brought to light the essential role of software in ensuring continuity and efficiency in banking operations. Generative AI, with its advanced natural language processing capabilities, emerges as an important tool, overcoming the limitations of traditional productivity-focused software. This new wave of AI technology enhances connectivity, facilitates dynamic interactions and offers a more intuitive user experience, significantly impacting the role of software in banks. Common Applications of AI in Banking • Enhanced Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Major banks have begun implementing AI-driven CRM systems that go beyond basic data analysis. For instance, one large financial institution’s use of machine learning algorithms to analyze customer data enables personalized banking experiences, leading to increased customer retention and satisfaction rates. Such AI-enhanced CRMs allow for a deeper understanding of customer needs, predicting behaviors and offering tailored financial advice and products. • Operational Efficiency Through Automation: Another large bank has leveraged AI to streamline operational processes, significantly reducing manual labor and errors. Their AI-powered virtual assistant has handled millions of customer inquiries, showcasing the efficiency and scalability that AI can bring to customer service operations. • Risk Management and Fraud Detection: A third bank’s adoption of AI for risk management illustrates how AI can augment traditional banking systems. By analyzing patterns and trends in vast datasets, AI algorithms can identify potential fraud and security threats more accurately and swiftly than ever, safeguarding customer assets and bank reputation. Uncommon Use of AI in Banking — Strategic Planning and Implementation In the rapidly evolving banking sector, the use of conversational AI is redefining the paradigms of strategic planning and execution. This innovative application of AI technology catalyzes a more inclusive, efficient and dynamic strategy development process within banks. Conversational AI’s role as a professional strategy consultant is impactful. It democratizes the strategic planning 7 Colorado Banker