Pub. 14 2024 2025 Issue 1

Biden ultimately vetoed the measure, it sent a strong and clear signal that Congress disagreed with the bureau’s rule. In addition, a resolution of disproval under the CRA was also passed in May to invalidate the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Staff Accounting Bulletin 121, which changed the way that banks and other publicly traded entities are expected to account for digital assets held in custody. ABA is also supporting a CRA challenge to the CFPB’s recently finalized credit card late fee rule. The House Financial Services Committee favorably reported that resolution of disapproval in April. The Congressional Review Act is so powerful because resolutions can move to the Senate floor quickly through an expedited “fast track” procedure and, once on the floor, a resolution requires only a simple majority vote to pass — not 60 votes, like most legislation. This fast-track process stipulates a specific timeframe during which rules issued in this Congress can be invalidated by the next Congress: the rule must be issued during a window of 60 session or legislative days prior to Congress’ adjournment at the end of the year in order for the next Congress to have an opportunity to invalidate the rule. We are now nearing the window where any final rules that are issued by the agencies could be challenged under the CRA in the next Congress — yet another reason why electoral outcomes matter. However the elections shake out in November, ABA’s focus will remain unchanged: supporting a policy environment that supports America’s banks in their mission to supply credit to their customers, clients and communities. And we’ll continue to use every tool in the toolbox to ensure that our broad and diverse banking sector can continue to thrive. ABA believes that government policies should recognize the industry’s diversity and the role of banks as drivers of economic growth and job creation. Laws and regulations should be tailored to correspond to a bank’s charter, business model, local markets and risk profile so banks across America can serve their customers and communities. From delivering the latest industry news to developing mission-critical training offerings, ABA supports America’s banks. Email Rob at A LESSER-KNOWN TOOL IN THE POLICY TOOLBOX 19 Colorado Banker