Pub. 3 2013-2014 Issue 6
O V E R A C E N T U R Y : B U I L D I N G B E T T E R B A N K S - H E L P I N G C O L O R A D A N S R E A L I Z E D R E A M S May• June 2014 9 This tool consists of a confidential electronic platformwhere bankers can anonymously provide details on their most recent examination or visitation. The information is aggregated and analyzed on a national level so we can begin to identify dis- crepancies in how bank regulations are being enforced. These discrepancies could exist between different bank agencies, geographic regions or examiners within the same agency. The timing of this initiative couldn’t be better considering the ava- lanche of new regulations that will be enforced for the first time in the coming months. Additionally, our member banks will be able to request a report from<your State Bankers Association> that summarizes the feedback of similarly situated banks to help them prepare for an upcoming exam. The goal is to avoid surprises, and if they occur, identify inconsistencies. Finally, bank advocates like me will be armed with a statistically significant amount of hard data as we promote a better environment for our members. This data will be used to make our case with the regulators as well as members of Congress and the administration. Everyone will have enough information to know whether a member bank is re- ceiving unfair treatment or appropriate and consistent regulatory scrutiny. The survey is powered by Allegiance Inc., an independent third party with a reputation and track record of collect- ing anonymous and protected feedback from bank customers and employees. This will allow banks to shed their iso- lation without violating confidentiality or exposing themselves competitively. Since its launch, the RFI has col- lected exam information from over 2,000 banks. During the month of April, we are asking every bank that has not already completed a survey for their last Safety and Soundness exam and their last Compliance exam to do so, regardless of when your last exam occurred. We will be sending out mul- tiple emails to our member bank CEO’s with a link to the survey. This is the only way to access the confidential and anonymous survey. After this month-long campaign, we ask each member bank to incorporate the survey into their examination process after each future examination. The Coalition of Bankers Associations has met with representatives of the FDIC, OCC Federal Reserve, and CSBS, and to their credit, they seem to welcome the input. They know their job is getting more difficult and their processes are not perfect. We believe that a little transparency will provide some subtle checks and balances in an otherwise one-sided regulatory pro- cess. Even a slight shift in this balance could yield significant returns for our local economies and our member banks as we emerge from the recent economic crisis and assimilate the new regulatory challenges in Dodd-Frank. n CEDCO Small Business Finance Corporation Your Best Soursce for SBA Real Estate Loans New Easier Qualification Uninterrupted access to money through a monthly SBA-backed bond auction Low fixed-rate financing Low down payments CEDCO Small Business Finance Corporation Colorado’s SBA 504 Loan Expert TM 1175 Osage Street, Suite 110 Denver CO 80204 Denver 303-893-8989 Grand Junction 970-243-1852 More stability for your operation A stronger balance sheet An asset to sell when you’re ready AS A LEADING SBA 504 LENDER WE MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU Buy, Build, Remodel or Expand Real Estate Purchase and install long-lasting equipment Fast, expert processing - with low loan costs Refinance may be an option We lend up to $5 million: borrow up to $20 million when combined with bank financing Interest rate as low as 5.25%, fixed for 20 years Down payments range from 10% to 20% Most small Businesses are Eligible STREAMLINED PROCESSING Front Range and mid-mountains call Jeff or Mary Jane 303-893-8989 Western Colorado call Pat 970-243-1861
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