Pub. 4 2014-2015 Issue 2

O V E R A C E N T U R Y : B U I L D I N G B E T T E R B A N K S - H E L P I N G C O L O R A D A N S R E A L I Z E D R E A M S September • October 2014 17 • Promotes bank lending and access to capital for small businesses in Colorado • Encourages small businesses to contact their bank first to get the process started • Provides valuable information for lenders to help make a loan • Concentrates in one location various lending and educational resources for small business • Brings together and supports alternative lending sources to the benefit of entrepreneurs and small business owners when banks can’t make the loan for whatever reason features: • A Colorado Lender Grid with links to each of their websites • A Calendar of Events, highlighting small business classes and programs throughout Colorado • A Lending Process Flowchart that demonstrates the steps a small business owner should take to secure funding for their business The effort comes down to this: lenders will do all they can to make the loan, and small business owners can now do all they can to qualify for the loan. Colorado Bankers Association in 2012 launched an initiative to address the need for in- creased access to capital, by developing – a website that serves as a hub of information and resources for small businesses in Colorado.