Pub 1 2023 Issue 1

CONVENTION AGENDA TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 12 4:00 PM Pre-Convention Cocktail Reception and Whiskey Tasting Experience Dinner on your own WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 13 8:00 AM Golf Tournament at Kalispel Golf Club 5:00 PM-6:30 PM Welcome Reception & Trade Show 7:30 PM VIP Tickets Counting Crows Concert (open to bankers & concert sponsors) or Top Golf Swing Event in EPIC Lounge THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 14 8:00 AM-11:45 AM ICBA Working for Community Banks Brad Bolton, ICBA Past Chairman In Chaos Lies Opportunity: Investing Throughout the Interest Rate Cycle Michael Benedict, Stifel Financial DFI Update Roberta Hollinshead Communicating During a Crisis Patrick Dix, Shazam The Naked Truth of Lease Accounting Adoption & Painful Lessons from the SVB Failure Roger Jones, Hauser Jones & Sas 12:00 PM-1:30 PM Lunch featuring Sen. Mark Mullet, Mullet for Governor Campaign 1:30 PM-4:00 PM Protecting Your Bank, Board & Employees in 2023’s Tech‑focused Climate Justin Corey, NFP FinTech Partnership Panel — What We Wish We Knew Pam Kaur, Moderator 5:30 PM-7:00 PM Trade Show & Silent Auction 7:00 PM Dinner Evening on your own FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 15 8:00 AM CBW Annual Meeting & Election of 2023/24 Board 8:30 AM State Legislative Update Brad Tower, Nichols Group 9:30 AM FDIC Update Paul Worthing, FDIC 10:30 AM Liar Liar Pants on Fire Traci Brown, Fraud Busting Body Language Expert 12:00 PM Adjourn CURRENCY | 21