Pub. 2 2024 Issue 2

Obsolete Some Are Even at End of Life and Are a Security Risk BY SCOTT FIEBER, CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER, COOK SOLUTIONS GROUP Many Teller Cash Recycler Brands Are When it comes to lobby teller cash recyclers, not much has changed over the last decade since they released. When implementing this technology in the branch, people often overlook the strategic possibilities of recyclers. For years, we loved the implementation of a dispenser that would replace our traditional teller cash drawer and allow for a safe and automated way to handle cash at the teller line. It helped us avoid cash counting mistakes and made the overall branch operation flow in a smoother way. When the technology advanced to full cash recycling, which enabled the ability to not only dispense cash but also accept it, we felt like we arrived at the finish line! The full circle of the cash journey in the branch was now complete with a single piece of technology! No more need for a vault, cash drawers and time-consuming cash audits; the list of benefits went on forever. This technology has been so successful that it is very rare to find any financial institution today that doesn’t have this technology deployed. Finally, technology has caught up with the financial industry. 14 | CURRENCY