Pub. 2 2024 Issue 2

To thrive in this dynamic landscape, community banks must adapt their strategies to cater to the changing demands of small businesses. This entails embracing technology to enhance their offerings, providing expert advice, offering seamless and convenient banking experiences, and delivering personalized solutions that blend human interaction with digital convenience. By investing in digital capabilities such as mobile and online banking solutions, integrating customer relationship management systems and leveraging data-driven engagement strategies, community banks can position themselves as trusted partners for small businesses seeking tailored financial solutions. This customer-centric approach is crucial for community banks to differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace and foster long-term growth for both their institutions and their small business customers. So, what do small business owners seek from their banking partners? Survey data highlights three key areas: • Expert Advice: Small business owners crave guidance and expertise in navigating financial complexities, freeing them to focus on their core competencies. • Convenience: Seamless, hassle-free banking experiences are paramount, enabling entrepreneurs to devote more time to growing their businesses. • Personalization: Tailored solutions that blend human interaction with technology are in demand, offering a differentiated banking experience. Community banks must rise to the challenge by leveraging technology to enhance their offerings and meet the evolving needs of small business customers. Integrating customer relationship management (CRM) systems and digital origination channels for deposits and loans with core banking platforms can enable targeted, datadriven engagement strategies, while providing industry-specific insights directly to relationship managers empowers them to deliver personalized service at scale. Furthermore, investing in digital capabilities is crucial to meeting the expectations of modern entrepreneurs. According to research from BAI, nearly 70% of small business owners prefer to conduct banking tasks remotely, highlighting the importance of mobile and online banking solutions. By prioritizing technology investments and streamlining processes, community banks can remain relevant in the digital age. In conclusion, the journey towards attracting and retaining small business customers begins with a customercentric approach. By actively listening to their needs, delivering tailored solutions and embracing digital innovation, community banks can differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace and foster long-term growth for both their businesses and their customers. Whether you are just starting to serve your customers online or are ready to take your small business banking services to the next level of innovation, Core10 has the people, tools and expertise you need in an innovation partner. Contact us today at to learn more. Core10, founded in 2016, is a U.S.-based provider of lending, account opening and middleware products, as well as software development services. Core10 is your trusted partner for banking digital transformation and innovation. The company’s Accrue platform provides an omnichannel digital lending and deposit account opening solution to help elevate and streamline banking operations. Its Mesh middleware layer gives banks a flexible, modern infrastructure to connect their entire technology ecosystem with their core. Supporting their product lines, Core10's professional services team has years of experience building APIs and core connectivity as well as custom software product development. Resources "BAI Research Reveals Large Banks Still Lead in Small Business Banking, but Neo-Banks Are Making Fast Inroads." BAI, Accessed 1 April 2024, organizations%20continue%20to,and%20 Credit%20Unions%20at%2039 Kelly Main. “Small Business Statistics Of 2024." Forbes, Forbes, Accessed 1 April 2024, Lillard, Max. "Are Big Banks Still the Best Partners for Small Businesses? SMB’s Explore Alternative Lenders." Capterra, Gartner, Accessed 1 April 2024, Russell, Whitney Stewart. "2024 Trends and Opportunities in Small Businesses." Presentation, Fiserv Insights, Fiserv, 23 Feb. 2024, ABA Conference for Community Bankers. "The Top Business Banking Insights for 2022." BAI, Accessed 24 April 2024, research-and-benchmarking/the-top-businessbanking-insights-for-2022/ Thollesson, Gita, Lohn, Anna-Fay, Smart, Debbie. “The State of Commercial Banking.” Accessed 1 April 2024, https://7044196.fs1. Final%20State%20of%20Commercial%20 Banking%20Jan%202024%20Market%20 Analysis_Final.pdf "What’s Going On In Banking 2024.", Cornerstone, Accessed 1 April 2024, Findings%20of%20the%20Study,threats%20 increased%20significantly%20for%202024 CURRENCY | 19