Pub 64 2023-2024 Issue 4

VIN Swap and VIN Clone A VIN Swap or VIN Clone allows an unsuspecting buyer to purchase a stolen vehicle. This happens when the VIN of a wrecked vehicle is used on a stolen vehicle. A stolen vehicle’s VIN is changed to reflect the VIN of a similar model, make and color. It is likely a vehicle sold in another country and not easily recognized because the VIN conforms to a true vehicle. U.S. registrations do not communicate with other countries, such as Canada or Mexico. Finance Fraud Trends • Suspects are both male and female. • Suspects make multiple vehicle purchases in a short time period. • Suspects use fake DL and ID cards. • Parents may use their children’s identifiers. • Internet purchases are made with cars being shipped to the buyer. a Pen Characteristics and Clues to Watch For • Comes to the dealership near closing time, on weekends or when the dealership is very busy. • Fast and hurried transactions. • If texting/calling during the buying process, look for a Bluetooth device. They may be receiving instructions from a third party. • Little to no negotiation on the vehicle price. • Willing to purchase any/all F&I products. • Multiple vehicle purchases in a short period of time. • Temporary or paper ID documents. • Little or no down payment, less than $2,500. • Paperwork to be sent overnight to be signed. • Vehicle to be shipped out of state. • Fraudulent information on credit application. • Fictitious addresses. • Fictitious proof of employment, like fictitious pay stubs. • Fictitious proof of residency, like fictitious utility bills. • Fictitious proof of insurance or immediately canceling the policy upon purchase. 27 DEALERS’ CHOICE