Based on prior convention experiences, MFDA’s members and vendors feel that the Billings location on I-90 will make it more convenient for interested persons to attend the convention. As a result of this directive, my staff and I will identify a venue for the convention and reserve the dates to hold the festivities. Once that has been done, we will inform you about the time and place. We at MFDA are already looking forward to seeing you at that event. In addition to having our summer convention behind us at the time of this article, the spring MFDA district meetings have also taken place since our last edition of the Directors Digest was published. In one of his last acts as president of the MFDA, Tyson Moore joined me and Terri James in May in traveling to the various district meetings held across the state. The district meetings were held in Miles City, Billings, Great Falls, Butte and Missoula. The district meetings present a wonderful opportunity for the association to get out of Helena and into your community. The meetings also afford the benefit of providing MFDA’s members with quality educational opportunities, which has the bonus of satisfying two continuing education requirements. Attending the district meeting is truly one of my favorite duties as MFDA’s executive director. During its board meeting at the convention, the board set the fall district meeting date for Nov. 14, 2024. In keeping with the schedule set by the board several years ago and with the positive input of the membership as to the same, the fall district meeting will be held virtually. More information about the fall district meeting setup will be provided by Terri when we firm up the schedule and speakers. You will find inside this edition of Directors Digest photographs from both the state convention and the district meetings. I think you will find them amusing and, perhaps, a bit bemusing. On behalf of all of us at MFDA, we thank you again for the confidence you have shown in us. We will continue do our best to help the association and its members, like you, prosper. We look forward to seeing you soon. Until then, remember this bit of perspective about the passage of time: Mosquitoes, summer’s pest, have been around for more than 30 million years. Doesn’t that make current events feel insignificant? Directors Digest | 7