The bigger challenge rests with independent service repair operations that may have numerous EV brands to work on. NFPA 70E requires “Qualified” workers to be trained and have expertise specific to the hazard, and not all EV systems are even remotely the same. Loss Prevention recommends that when technicians are trained on EV service, all members ensure compliance with NFPA 70E, and OSHA’s Lockout/Tagout is part of the program. Furthermore, independent service, collision and towing operations must ensure their technicians are safe across a broad exposure to numerous high-voltage electrical system designs. NFPA has free resources related to EV fires, including free training and emergency response guides for every alternative fuel vehicle. There is also a paid app that has more details, is interactive, and has other vehicles besides cars, but it is not free. NHADA Loss Prevention will continue to provide members with information and resources related to EV service and compliance with electrical safety standards. We are also partnering with companies to provide industry-specific EV Safety Training. Training-and-Events/ By-topic/Alternative-FuelVehicle-Safety-Training/ Emergency-Response-Guides crash-recovery-system/ Scan to Learn More About the Safety App NFPA Free Resources Scan the QR Codes Below to Get Additional Safety Resources N E W H A M P S H I R E 18