Pub. 3 2021 Issue 2

The NHADA members took the correct precautions by for- warding the documents to staff for verification. After learn- ing that the purchases were not legitimate, the dealers then contacted the businesses who sent the statements. Both Hi-Tech Industrial and United Chemicals said that the statements were "quotes." The members then alerted NHADA of the scam. The documents look legitimate and can easily be over- looked. After conducting research about Hi-Tech Indus- trial Company and United Chemicals Company LLC, both Non-BBB-Accredited businesses, NHADA found multiple reports of other businesses falling prey to this scam. Hi-Tech Industrial received five 1-star reviews from businesses who have been scammed this month alone. United Chemicals has received 11 customer complaints and 16 1-star reviews. United Chemicals has contacted multiple NHADA members. Thank you to our NHADA members for being vigilant with regard to these suspicious documents. NHADA urges its members to use caution when dealing with unrecognized businesses. Be sure to contact member sup- port at or call NHADA at 603-224-2369 if you think you are dealing with a scam or have fallen victim to a scam. AFTER CONDUCTING RESEARCH ABOUT HI-TECH INDUSTRIAL COMPANY AND UNITED CHEMICALS COMPANY LLC, BOTH NON-BBB-ACCREDITED BUSINESSES, NHADA FOUND MULTIPLE REPORTS OF OTHER BUSINESSES FALLING PREY TO THIS SCAM. N E W H A M P S H I R E 23