Pub. 3 2021 Issue 3
S UMMARY 4 Cover Story 04. CHEERS TO 25 YEARS! A RECAP OF OUR MONUMENTAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Our 25th Annual Drive for a Tech Golf Tournament took place Friday, May 7th, at Pease Golf Course. Workers' Compensation 06. NHADA WCT RETURNS $3.6 MILLION IN REBATES By now, all NHADA WCT Members should have their workers’ compensation rebate checks. 08. THE WC SELF-AUDITS ARE ON THEIR WAY TO YOU The NHADA WCT will be sending out self-audits again this year in June. 12. WHY THIS PROVIDER AND NOT THAT PROVIDER: MANAGED CARE, SPECIALISTS, MEDICAL RECORDS, BILLING Members of the NHADA Workers’ Compensation Trust are privileged to be part of the Windham Group Managed Care Program. Insurance &Benefits 14. SAVE MONEY WITH LOW-COST PROVIDERS When your Harvard Pilgrim plan has LP (low-cost provider) benefits, you can pay lower out-of-pocket costs for advanced radiology (e.g., MRI, CT/CAT and PET scans), lab and outpatient surgery services when you receive them from select low-cost providers. Workforce Development 10. NHADA'S COMPETITION SEASON WRAPS UP This year has been dif ferent in a lot of ways for the New Hampshire Automotive Education Foundation events, but we are pleased to have held two successful automotive competitions for high school students, which allowed us to award over $5,000 in scholarships. 15. ON THE ROAD WITH COLLEGE AND CAREER DAYS AND THE RACE TO 5K The month of May was filled with virtual and in-person visits to New Hampshire’s 19 career and technical high schools. Employment Guidance 16. SUMMER HIRING AND YOUTH EMPLOYMENT LAWS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE Now that Governor Sununu has lifted many of the COVID-19 restrictions and replaced them with Universal Best Practices, we thought this would be a good time to review the laws governing the employment of individuals under the age of 18 in New Hampshire. CollisionRepair 20. NH COLLISION REPAIR GROUP Calling all collision repairers! Are you part of the Facebook group? You should be! 21. REPAIRER/CONSUMER OBJECTION FORM UNFAIR INSURANCE PRACTICES We're excited to announce the availability of a newly designed electronic consumer complaint form for the NH Insurance Department. D R I V E 2
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