SUMMARY 10 04. NHADA FOUNDATION RAISES OVER $100K FOR AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY THROUGH BIG RAFFLE NHADA’s Big Raffle & Silent Auction at the Bank of NH Stage in downtown Concord was a huge success. 06. SPRINGING FORWARD: A NOTE FROM THE NHADA PRESIDENT At the NADA Show — the green pin that sat on my shirt said it all, “All-in on EVs.” 08. LEGISLATIVE RECAP As President McNamara reported, in its first full session back in the State House Chambers since the pandemic, the House Transportation Committee voted 18 to 0 to ITL, or kill, HB 1426. The bill would have repealed the annual vehicle safety inspection program for all noncommercial vehicles. 10. DAVID HAMMER IS NH’S NEW NADA DIRECTOR In February, David Hammer of Contemporary Automotive was elected as a member of the National Automobile Dealers Association Board of Directors. 11. NADA UPDATE: APRIL 2022 As I was just elected in February, this year’s NADA Show was my first opportunity to get a glimpse under the NADA tent. 14. BEHIND THE SCENES: GETTING TO KNOW THE NHADA-WCT TEAM AND WHY THEY ASK SO MANY QUESTIONS You have all been there: you have to make the dreaded call to NHADAWCT to report an injury or get assistance with difficult questions. D R I V E 2