Pub. 5 2023 Issue 4

in our office, it’s matched with these “intake” notes and becomes part of our file and is helpful to our investigation. Sometimes, we get the call, but the First Report of Injury doesn’t arrive timely; we review our “intake” file regularly, and if an intake hasn’t been matched with a report yet, we make a call to the member to see if we can assist in filing and help avoid a fine. • Employers with five or more employees must provide temporary alternative/transitional work opportunities to all employees temporarily disabled by a work-related injury or illness. This is per RSA 281-A 23-b. The call to the nurse, as stated, starts a paper trail. When an injured worker has sought medical treatment, the providers are required to fill out an NH Workers Compensation Medical Form. This form is given to the injured worker to share with their employer, and a copy is sent to our office. Receipt of this form even prior to receiving the member’s First Report of Injury allows us to review the work status of the injured worker and reach out to our member to see if assistance is needed with their return to work. • Not all injuries are simple, and sometimes, the report of what happened can change based on how many parties need to hear the story. This is why we will sometimes ask if there is security footage of the area in which the injury occurred. During the call to the nurse, we may ask you to secure the footage so we can review it. The video footage can be a crucial piece of the puzzle we are trying to put together when investigating and managing a claim. • NHADA — WCT prides itself in our relationships with the medical provider community and, more so, with our in-network providers. We are lucky to have providers that have long-term employees such as we do. Because of this, we have providers we have known and have been dealing with for years. This is helpful in so many ways, including ease of receiving medical records and billing. The call to the nurse helps us know which provider to follow up with if we Your NHADA — WCT Claims Team Members can be reached by phone at (603) 224-2369 PETER SHEFFER VICE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR OF INSURANCES MARTA SILAKKA NURSE CASE MANAGER Marta is the one to call for these initial calls. DEB HANDRAHAN NHADA WCT CLAIMS SUPERVISOR HEATHER OVERSON CLAIMS REPRESENTATIVE / ROAD ADJUSTER MARIANNE GOURGIOTIS UNDERWRITER ANNE MARIE FALLON CLAIMS & LP ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT We are proud that our members are confident in knowing what to do when injuries occur (pat on the back, we trained you). But please remember to give us a call — even if the plan you propose for treatment is perfect, we will get to start that paper trail, and hey, it’s always nice to say hi and speak with you! 13