Pub. 6 2024 Issue 1

BILL SPONSORS TITLE AND LAST ACTION NHADA POSITION HB 1464 Rep. Aures, Cyril Rep. Cloutier, John Rep. Dunn, Ron Rep. Filiault, Shaun Rep. Janigian, John Rep. Kuttab, Katelyn Rep. McConkey, Mark Rep. Osborne, Jason Rep. Soti, Julius Rep. Sullivan, Jared Title: establishing a committee to study revenue alternatives to the road toll, road toll registration charges and revenue alternatives to vehicle registration fees, including electric vehicle registration fees. Analysis: This bill establishes a committee to study revenue alternatives to the road toll, road toll registration charges and revenue alternatives to vehicle registration fees, including electric vehicle registration fees. Support HB 1472 Rep. McWilliams, Rebecca Title: relative to rebates of energy efficiency funds for electric vehicles. Analysis: This bill dedicates $3,000,000 from proceeds from the energy efficiency fund to be used by the Department of Energy to develop a pilot program for a “cash on the hood” program for point-of-sale electric vehicle rebates to buyers. Support HB 1510 Rep. McWilliams, Rebecca Title: establishing a commission to identify barriers to and solutions for electric vehicle sales and use. Analysis: This bill establishes a commission to identify barriers to and solutions for electric vehicle sales and use. Support HB 1637 Rep. Belcher, Mike Rep. Cushman, Leah Rep. Granger, Michael Rep. Mannion, Tom Rep. Mazur, Lisa Rep. Osborne, Jason Rep. Reid, Karen Rep. Smith, Jonathan Title: relative to reducing requirements for vehicle inspections. Analysis: This bill reduces requirements for vehicle inspection. Oppose SB 441 Sen. D’Allesandro, Lou Sen. Fenton, Donovan Sen. Gendreau, Carrie Sen. Watters, David Title: relative to establishing an advisory group to examine potential funding sources for career and technical education (CTE) construction and renovation. Analysis: This bill creates an advisory group to study current and possible funding sources for career and technical education (CTE) construction and renovation. Support SB 510 Rep. Walsh, Thomas Sen. D’Allesandro, Lou Sen. Fenton, Donovan Sen. Innis, Daniel Sen. Prentiss, Suzanne Sen. Ricciardi, Denise Sen. Rosenwald, Lucinda Sen. Soucy, Donna Sen. Ward, Ruth Sen. Watters, David Title: relative to sale of a vehicle to a Massachusetts resident. Analysis: This bill eliminates the requirement that a retail motor vehicle dealer submit a form notifying the New Hampshire Department of Motor Vehicles of a sale of a vehicle to a Massachusetts resident. Support SB 515 Rep. Moffett, Michael Sen. Innis, Daniel Sen. Lang, Timothy Sen. Pearl, Howard Title: relative to consumer guarantee contracts. Analysis: This bill revises requirements for consumer guarantee contracts. Support with Friendly Amendment HB 1562 Rep. Coker, Matthew Rep. Crawford, Karel Rep. Darby, William Rep. Rung, Rosemarie Rep. Wolf, Dan Sen. Watters, David Title: relative to personal watercraft. Analysis: This bill removes the term “ski craft” from laws on navigation of state waters and defines such craft as personal watercraft. Oppose The 2024 Legislative Session 7