Pub. 6 2024 Issue 2

Providing new hires with employment-specific training helps to set the tone of a safety culture in the workplace. report an injury and the importance of promptly reporting all injuries, regardless of how minor they seem to be. We have seen an uptick in delayed reporting of injuries, particularly in the under-30 demographics. Delayed reporting makes the investigation process more challenging as memories fade and video surveillance may be erased. Additionally, the claims department has lost control of the medical treatment. The new hire may not be aware that they are participants in a worker’s compensation managed care program, which requires injured employees to be treated within a network of medical providers. The new hire may seek treatment with his/her primary care physician or the emergency room, either of which will drive claims costs up. Please take the time to explain to your new hires how to report injuries and ensure that they understand that they are in a managed care program for workers comp claims and make sure that they understand what that means in terms of medical treatment for a work-related injury. When in doubt, call Nurse Case Manager Marta Silakka at (603) 224-2369. Please contact the loss prevention department to get set up with LearnUpon through the NHADA web portal at (603) 224-2369 or If you have questions about the workers’ compensation process, please contact Brian Duplessis, loss prevention supervisor, at WHAT DID DEALERSHIP TRANSACTIONS IN GREATER NEW ENGLAND LOOK LIKE IN 2023? The Phillips Report is the only publication that specifically speaks to auto dealership transaction values, trends and trajectories in the New England and New York market areas. DOWNLOAD THE 2023 YEAR END REPORT WWW.NANCYPHILLIPS.COM 18