Pub. 3 2021 Issue 1

SUMMARY 6 Membership 06. 1921-2021: NHADA IS 100 YEARS YOUNG First, one needs to reflect on how lucky we are even to be allowed to band together to form an asso- ciation: a collective of businesses that can work together to better their business environment, solid- ify their investments and effect legal and legislative changes. COVID-19 Guidance 12. COVID-19 2021 2020 has exited the building, but unfortunately COVID-19 has not. It’s a new year and it’s always better to go forward with positive thoughts and plans for a better 2021. From the Partners 11. VBA - NEWSLETTER Coming this Spring: Virtual Bene- fits Administrator. The Insurance Division is busy learning about their new VBA Gateway Total Enrollment Solution system. 20. WHY VALUING YOUR DEALERSHIP BY MULTIPLES LEAVES MONEY ON THE TABLE Nancy Phillips Associates has been selling auto dealerships throughout New England and New York State for 30 years. 24. THANK YOU, 2021 NHADA PARTNERS! Workers' Compensation 10. SAVE TIME BY REPORTING INJURIES ONLINE There are many reasons an injury might be reported late, not the least of which is the sometimes-hectic schedule that many maintain. 19. 2020 WORKERS COMP CLAIMS YEAR END REVIEW Well, 2020 sure was a unique and memorable year! The COVID-19 pandemic threw everything for a loop, including some of the amount of, and types of injuries received by the NHADA Workers Compensa- tion Trust (WCT). Legislative 16. 2021 LEGISLATIVE OUTLOOK: ACTION IN CONCORD HAS BEGUN This year’s legislative session has been one of many firsts. NHADA Products 14. THE NHADA ONLINE STORE TO BE REBRANDED AS LOTDROP As we venture into the new year, I am excited to announce a major change to the Products Division. D R I V E 2