2025 Pub. 4 Issue 1

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Steve Kirkegard, President, MFDA the Montana Legislature that puts us in a position to better serve our members and their clients by revising statutes that allow the investment of preneed funds in vehicles beyond government-backed securities. We think this is vital to the future of the MFDA’s administration of the funeral trust in which we serve as fiduciaries. We aim to provide avenues to slow the decline of corpus gross funds by allowing the trust to invest in things that produce more return than the traditional government-backed options we have now. Stay tuned. This is perhaps the biggest challenge and task facing us, both long- and short-term, and we are committed to attempting to make the situation better for you and your trust customers. There is another bill being carried that has to do with the various forms of disposition, specifically alkaline hydrolysis and natural organic reduction. The board has chosen to take a patient approach in terms of Greetings, I hope you had the opportunity to spend a joyful and meaningful holiday season with your loved ones and friends. The weather seems to be determined to remind us that winter exists in Montana following the New Year’s holiday! I’m sure work has been busy and beyond for you as it has for me, but there are exciting things to talk about as we are now well into 2025 with MFDA. Thank you for your attendance at the virtual district meeting this past fall. Turnout has been greater than imagined and everyone seems to enjoy that format for the fall meeting. We will continue to provide quality continuing education credits and the opportunity to network. Again, thank you for your attendance. The MFDA is supporting and working on the draft of a bill submitted to Our Membership Is Our Strength 4 | Directors Digest